Friday, June 17, 2011

The New Schools of Tomorrow - The D School

The future of business world no longer rest on the B school or the Tech School.  However, high tech has become commoditized and experts agree that high tech can no longer be sustained because of the rapid pace of technical innovation.  According to Michael Dell, the inventory of high tech components are as volatile/perishable as the vegetables in a refrigerator:   They have very short shelf life and their costs/price are going down very rapidly.  Margins are decreasing in high tech sector.

The area which will differentiate business in 2lst century shall be design and creativity.

B schools will have lesser importance.  The more important schools will be the D school.  Like the Stanford Design School.

But we can incorporate D thinking in B schools. Can't we? What do you think

Reality Bites - Doability

Some students inquired as their group was doing a creative activity exercise as to whether the idea should be exucuted?  I said yes.  A creative idea must, as all business ideas must, stand the test of DOABILITY.  Otherwise, the idea can't go beyond the confines of the bathroom/

Yes the idea must always be doable. It must be feasible.  Test of feasibility.  And before we call the business plan feasibility study. Or a doability study.

Creative Ideas Must be Unique

One of the test of a new idea is that it must be unique.  It must be different.  I must find its way into the morning news.

It is the principle being used in SEO (search engine optimization).  The google spider web crawlers searches the contents of website for unique items. Then the unique items are reported.  However, if the same item is written, it is a common thing and is therefore ignored by the spiders.  For the spider to visit your site again, you must continue to publish/post items that are UNIQUE AND DIFFERENT.

The same test must be applied to new ideas:  it must be unique and different.  If it is imitated, then unique improvements must be applied to the idea.  Otherwise, the idea/suggestion can not stand the test of creativity.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Encouraging Results for New l2

Many say that Filipinos lack imagination and creativity.  I beg to disagree strongly on this point.  Given the right atmosphere and motivation, we Filipinos excel on many fronts on creativity: design, entertainment, fashion, writing, architecture.  We often have under estimated our use of the right brain.  It is time to innovate, create, invent or be an entrepreneur. 

(Are the three terms:  innovation, creativity, invention, entrepreneurship the same or are they different?)

Our students at AGSB entrep class in Clark campus come out with exciting product ideas and concepts, and I foresee that many will be winners.

For example. from a medicinal herb, they will come out with gummy bears, and gelatinous candies (they call candies + veggies)  from a medicinal herb which is rich in vitamins and minerals.   The other group will come out with a new type of meat products, and will set up a system for helping meat product vendors earn more.

Another will, and they came out with product sample for taste test, potato chips dipped in rich chocolate coating.  Mmm.  I cant control my eating in this class

NU l2 Exercise for Entrepreneur Students

I believe that an subject on entrepreneurship is useless if a student can not come up with a new product or new idea.  Before I was only concerned with teaching principles of  concepts of entrepreneurship or just simple self mastery and passion for entrepreneurship. Lately, I require this Null2 for standard program, and Nu6 for Regis program.  I think it is a rigorous academic exercise to come up with new ideas.  Some have difficulties in creating new ideas or even engaging in creative imitation