Wednesday, November 13, 2013

NU I2 - New Paradigm - Get Enough Exercise

NU 1 - New Attitude

        Before my  husband's Coronary Artery By Pass Graft sometimes in 2007,  I was not  a health buff.  I ate anything be healthy or unhealthy foods, I don't exercise, I'm not that prayerful.  What happened to my husband was a wake up call for me and so with him.

        After his successful surgery, everything changed.  I developed a new attitude towards a healthy lifestyle: diet, exercise, prayers.

a) Diet consists now of fish, white meat, vegetables and fruits, and less of carbohydrates.  It was a bit difficult adjusting to the dietary changes but my husband and I, including the household staff developed a new attitude towards a healthy diet.

b ) I became prayerful and always have time to pause and say thank you for the blessings I have received. Its an attitude being close to the Almighty.

c) Exercise is one activity that my husband and I developed an attitude of doing it routinely.  Sweating out every morning perks us up and makes us fell lighter.
      We are now having  positive attitude on a healthy lifestyle by doing the exercise routine and so with other health enthusiasts whom we meet in daily walk in the city plaza.  We formed a group known as the Morning Bodies which is a sort of a walking club composed of about 50members from various walks of life ( professional, retired employees, vendors, housewives, students. Etc.)
      The new attitude towards a healthy lifestyle makes a person getting better through the years.