Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cheap Home Remedies for Cancer Detection and Cure

"Innovate or DIE"

Newsfeed this morning from newsreel and blogrolls said there are several common home remedies for cancer:

l. Coffee - when rubbed on the skin can reduce the incidence of skin cancer. While cure is not l00%, the fighting chance of those with melanoma can increase with the use of this commonly available food.

2. Dog sniff can detect with 90% possibility/presence of lung cancer. This is better than 40% detection rate using sophisticated medical technology. This was determined by German MDs and featured in the sidebar today at the widget Web MD Health News.

Do you believe this? Would coffee and pet dog prices go up? Would this affect bio medical technology?

What new idea would they think of next?

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."