Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Joining the Trending Scene - Investigation of UST Artitsts Exhibit by Phil. Senate

"Innovate or DIE"

We are now trending animals in this country. Christopher Lao is no longer a trend - he is now "LAOS" (OLD AND STALE). The UST artist with blasphemous exhibit at the Cultural Center of the Phil is now at the center of trending and the press, public, social media are having a feeding frenzy.

I see no big reason why an august body like Phil. legislature would devote its precious time and conduct an art appreciation class for the nation to see, except to gain social media mileage. In the meantime, other more important matters like competitiveness, efficient governance, economy are begging for its attention. Goal setting, setting priorities would have been a better topic, or innovation.

But I join this trending fray because innovation and creation by artists are first cousins (or the same dog with different collar). I do not know whether this event gives the correct signal for people who create and design, no matter how weird and contrarian they may be. They are the spark of genius which we badly need in this nation that is being left behind more and more.

The fray could have been settled by simple firing of people whom they feel did wrong in a disciplinary board hearing, or dealt with severely by a censorship body. There are such body to do these things. But for Phil. legislature to do this...

What do you think of this controversy?

Does this action of Phil. Senate send correct signal to creative people?

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."