Wednesday, August 17, 2011

We Should be Grateful that the CCP Investigation Ended

"Innovate or DIE"

We would like to thank the good Senator Angara for terminating at the Senate the inquiry on Cultural Center of the Philippines officials regarding "blasphemous art exhibits". We all know that the good senators were under pressure to please the offended parties.

The act was merciful because the public was further spared from witnessing the lack of maturity and art appreciation from amongst the high levels of government, and further exposing Filipinos to ridicule and humiliation to the world.

Thank you for your sagacity and maturity, Senator.

The trending has ended? (who got the pogi pts?)

Now CCP, artists beware. Keep your best work at home.

Keep your art free from inquisition even if it is 2lst century.  They still wear the same sotana (Joke po)

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."