Sunday, July 31, 2011

Connecting the Dots, Thinking Outside the Box - ideas from Lateral Thinking

These terms, connecting the dots, thinking outside the box are ideas that come from the work of Dr. Edward de Bono on" Lateral Thinking. " Maybe this is right brain thinking (the creative process) as contrasted to logical (left brain thinking).  Logical thinking is sequential, black and white, yes or no affair.  Lateral thinking is unordered, non sequential, or maybe non logical.  Lateral thinking is about PO (possibilities).

Most good jokes are lateral thinking type. (Here Jon Santos lecture to AGSB faculty on Humor and Comedy helps.  You start with the set up, and then there is the punch line (which is contrary to the set up..break up from the logic)

The idea of getting new ideas from unrelated industries (thinking out of the box) random words, brainstorming are inspired by lateral thinking.


"Innovation is creating value from existing resources." "Entrepreneurship is creating something from practically nothing"