Saturday, September 17, 2011

Developing Creativity Early on Among Children

"Innovate or DIE" "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

There could be no entrepreneurship without creativity. Therefore, developing creativity among children is a necessary step prior to entrepreneurship.  

There was an article at PDI, Lifestyle Parenting Section page Cl Sept l4 issue, entitled "l0 ways to unleash your kid's creativity." The 10 ways are:

l.  Let them write on the wall.  Better put up a white or blackboard where they can write or draw (they will still draw on the wall.
2.  Encourage them not just to tweet but to write their thoughts on paper on the journal.
3.  Prepare a kit that contains colored pen, pencils, clay that can be used for art work
4.  Put up a blank canvass where they can paint.
5.  Let them access musical instruments;
6. Let them take hold of cameras and take pictures (or they have camphones - no need?)
7. Tell stories
8.  Put up your own art newspaper or just a newspaper
9.  Learn new art together like sewing, sculpture, weaving
l0.  Have an art exhibit.

ByPam Pastor, PDI, Sept. l4,2011 issue