Monday, September 26, 2011

Nu6 Idea by AC,New Business Idea/s for [Fashion] Bloggers

Nu6 Idea: New Business Idea/s for [Fashion] Bloggers

With the growing trend towards customization and on-demand business, personalized digital marketing has evidently grown over the past years. Traditional and mass marketing seem to have significantly lost its appeal to Search Engines, Campaign URL, Online VideoBanner/Pop-up Advertising and more recently, Digital Social Media Marketing (check out and watch Social Media Statistics 2011 <>). Major brands such as Starbucks, Southwest Airlines, and Microsoft Bing have already leveraged their presence in Facebook by tapping Fans  and Friends of Fans, while the likes of Nokia, Procter and Gamble, and Summit Media have already explored Blogging for marketing.

Fashion labels are no different. With about 346 million people following blogs globally (as of Year 2008), Coach, Mango, Zara, Forever21 - among many others - have already commissioned fashion bloggers to exercise Astroturfing and take advantage of Stealth and Viral Marketing. But how come not too many bloggers have taken an advantage of making money out of their blog entries - out of their "mastery" of topics they choose to talk about? True, a blogger can and may be paid for Sponsored Links/Stories or even commissioned assignments, but hardly any blogger has actively marketed him/herself for "Expert Opinion-On-Demand". For instance, Tricia Gosingtian of Tricia Will Go Places <>, a Philippine-based fashion blog with over 4 million page views from across the world, could probably make tons of money by offering practical fashion consultancy services. Imagine, if she were able to capture 25% of her audience and charge a meager Php1.00 for each of their online queries, she would still make about Php1,000,000.00. Cecille Zamora-Van Straten of <>, could make tons more with over 23 million page views. For a peso (paid via Paypal, mobile money, credit card, deal coupon/vouchers, or credit points) aren't we just all in need of a good, personalized fashion advise?

Or why not create an "Online-Blogger's Garage-Sale"?  1. Consumers are 90% influenced by peer recommendation, 2. Blog followers get a lot of influence from bloggers they subscribe to, and  3. if there's anything that fashion bloggers have, it's a ginormous pile of old/used/unused clothes, shoes and accessories. What better way to re-organize the closet then than to make money out of each piece of clothing you try to dispose of? Nothing like eBay on your own blog.
