Thursday, September 22, 2011

DOST at the Forefront of Fight Against Dengue - The Anti OL Kit

"Innovate or DIE"

I just watched a TV clip on one of the DOST's  initiative to fight aedis aegypti, the carrier of dengue (H fever) virus.  It is on top of the use of GMO mosquitoes who will deliver wingless offspring.  This one is ingenious and cost effective (does it really work)

It is called an anti OL kit (vs eggs and larvae of mosquitoes) or OL trap.   It consist of a black plastic cup (about 500 ml). (It is black because mosquitoes flock around black objects., 250 ml of water; OL concoction (from DOST probably an insecticidal ingredient) a lawanit paddle. (about 8 x 2 inches)


l.  Put 250ml water into the  black container. That is about l/2 of the cup.

2.  Place the concoction.

3.  Submerge the lawanit paddle into the water.  The lawanit paddle should protude outside the cup.  The cup becomes moist with the water + insecticide. Put the cup outside the house where it is safe from rain and sunshine.,

4.  The black cup and the moist paddle tainted with insecticide attracts mosquitoes to land on the paddle, and lay eggst too.

5.  Regularly inspect the paddle and brush off dead mosquitoes and eggs.

6.  After a week, throw away the contents on the ground.  Repeat #l to 3.

This should be cheaper than a genetically modified mosquitoes which require thousands of dollar in purchase (And besides people are against GMO).

This is a case where really, if we do not innovate, we DIE (from Dengue)  I invite our student who works at DOST to comment on these DOST initiative

5.  Periodically

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."