Saturday, September 10, 2011

Steve Ballmer - Talk on the Future of Microsoft, Technology - Videoshare from Ecorner Stanford University

"Innovate or DIE"

Steve Ballmer, the current CEO of Microsoft, one of the most successful high tech companies, shares his thoughts in this 58 minute video, about Microsoft and future of technology. This blog has videoshare from three impt personalities: Larry Page of Google, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and now, Steve Ballmer. I/we are indeed blessed to have these outstanding sharing from these great captains of the industry'

Thanks to Microsoft, Ecorner, Stanford University, one of the top 5 Universities in the world in the 20ll ranking, and Kauffman Foundation. This blog, I and my entrep students are truly indebted and grateful

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."