Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fwd: Undo Years of Damage to Your Heart, Brain, Joints and Nerves

This is clearly a pitch from the Underground Health Reporter for Seanol and Algenol.  It is believed to be a super oxidant, l00 times better than vit C or E.

Comparison:   reservatrol from grapes has 2 rings (called polyphenols)  most land based anti oxidants have 3 rings, catechins from green tea has 3 rings..  Seanol has 4 rings.

As is my disclaimer I am neither endorsing or saying anything against the pitch.

However, the high dollar cost (as of now;  wait till something happens to the dollar) prohibits this to be cheap cure.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Date: Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 10:00 PM
Subject: Undo Years of Damage to Your Heart, Brain, Joints and Nerves

Underground Health Reporter E-Alert
From the Desk of Danica Collins

Dear Underground Health Reporter reader:

     Please find below a special message from our sponsor, Dr. Robert J. Rowen.  He has some important information to share with you.

Wishing you the best of health,

Danica Collins

The super-antioxidant from
the sea that can undo years
of damage to your heart, brain, joints and nerves
This astonishing healing discovery is up to 100 times more potent than blueberries, pomegranates, and even green tea catechins.
By Robert J. Rowen, MD

What if I told you that one simple nutrient can improve your cholesterol, boost circulation, enhance memory and mental sharpness, and even help you sleep better?
You'd probably be skeptical.  I certainly was…
But then I saw the research from Dr. Haengwoo Lee, a Korean biochemist now living near Seattle, Washington, and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor.
Dr. Lee has made a startling discovery that few people, even many alternative health doctors, know about. He and his team have found an antioxidant that's up to 100 times stronger than the familiar antioxidants vitamins C and E, antioxidant-rich fruits like blueberries, pomegranates and even green tea catechins.
I'll tell you what it is in a moment. But first, let's take a look at what this amazing "super-antioxidant" can do for your health. For starters, it can…
Revive damaged arteries and improve
blood flow in just 6 weeks
As you may know, your body has special cells called endothelium that line the insides of your arteries and veins. Endothelium generate a chemical called nitric oxide (NO), which keeps your artery walls open, relaxed and healthy.
In a clinical study, researchers looked at patients with damaged artery walls. This artery damage was restricting blood flow and causing heart troubles. But after taking this nutrient for just 6 weeks, their arterial health markedly improved. Blood flow increased by more than 50% — confirming this nutrient's ability to support healthier circulation.
If it can improve blood flow so dramatically in people with damaged arteries, imagine what it can do for you. And that's not all…
Improve cholesterol and support
your cardiovascular health
You probably know that many heart problems are not due to cholesterol alone, as the statin peddlers want us to believe. Damage to your heart and artery walls is often determined by how your body handles cholesterol.
In other words, you don't want the "bad" LDL cholesterol in your arteries to oxidize. Oxidizing means reacting with oxygen, such as when iron "rusts." When LDL oxidizes, it can damage the endothelial lining of your arteries.
But this super-antioxidant inhibits the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Just imagine the healthy effect that can have on your heart and circulatory system.
In fact, in one study, researchers gave this nutrient to 39 adults (average age 55) for six weeks. Patients' average cholesterol level dropped. Their hard-to-raise "good" HDL rose from 46.5 to 50.7 (highly significant). It's very unusual for a natural supplement to raise HDL like this.
What's more, their triglycerides fell from 215 to 195. And the atherogenic index (a key measurement of atherosclerosis) dropped a whopping 12.5%. All this with no lifestyle changes!
So what is this amazing discovery?
The super-antioxidant found under the sea
This little-known antioxidant is an extract of compounds found in red and brown sea algae called Ecklonia Cava. Ecklonia Cava grows at a depth of 100 feet off the coast of Korea and Japan. Researchers have named this brown seaweed extract Seanol.
Seanol has a unique molecular structure that gives it a big advantage over any antioxidant found on earth. You see, the power of an antioxidant depends on its structure, which is made up of rings.
One of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet
Antioxidant molecules have rings that capture rogue electrons and neutralize cell-damaging free-radicals. The more rings an antioxidant has, the better it works.

Resveratrol from red grapes has 2 rings:

Catechins from green tea have 4 rings:
But the molecules in Seanol have 8 interconnected rings. Making Seanol a veritable electron-trapping, free-radical killing machine!
Antioxidants use these rings to capture rogue electrons and neutralize free-radicals. The more rings an antioxidant has, the better it works.
For instance, resveratrol from grapes has 2 rings. Most land-based antioxidants (called polyphenols) have 3 interconnected rings. Green tea catechins have 4. But the ring structure of all these polyphenols pales in comparison to Seanol.
Seanol has 8 interconnected rings. That makes Seanol a veritable electron-trapping, free-radical killing machine!
It's like getting 10 servings
of fruits and vegetables
in a single nutrient
You may have also heard that scientists measure antioxidant power with something called the ORAC scale. It's short for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The more free radicals a substance traps, the higher the ORAC score.
Nutritionists recommend that we consume around 5000 ORAC units per day to significantly reduce free radical damage. One serving (half a cup) of most fruits or vegetables gives you roughly 500 ORAC units — one-tenth your daily minimum.
But Seanol has an ORAC score of more than 8,300. That's like getting your entire day's worth of antioxidant protection in a single nutrient!
Crosses the blood-brain barrier
Seanol has another big advantage over what you might be taking now.
Virtually all land-based antioxidants (polyphenols) are water-soluble. Water-soluble antioxidants have a hard time penetrating your blood-brain barrier, to protect your brain cells.
But Seanol is 40% fat-soluble. That means it has a greater ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and protect the cells of your brain. In fact, it can more easily penetrate the membranes of all your cells, to give them the antioxidant protection they need.
Works up to 24 times longer
Being fat-soluble also means that Seanol has a much longer active life in your body. Up to 12 full hours. While most water-soluble, plant-based polyphenols like blueberries and pomegranates are expelled through your urine in just 30 minutes. This means Seanol may be working inside your body up to 24 times longer.
All these advantages give Seanol up to 100 times more free-radical scavenging power than ordinary land-based polyphenols. Far more than even the popular green tea catechins.
What can all this free-radical scavenging ability do for you?
Thins your blood naturally to
support healthy circulation
When your blood is too thick, it can make your circulation sluggish and force your heart to pump even harder. This obviously puts a strain on your heart.
But scientists found that Seanol naturally thins your blood without thinning it too much (which is a danger with some conventional treatments for thick blood).
Scientists also found that Seanol lowers fibrinogen levels. A lower fibrinogen level means there's less inflammation in your body. Just this one effect alone can have profoundly favorable effects on your heart health, circulatory and inflammatory system!
Sharpens your memory and mental focus
Are you tired of misplacing your glasses or car keys … forgetting names … or having "senior moments"? Do you want to keep your mind sharp and active for life? Then you know how important it is to find powerful but natural nutrients that can ward off cognitive decline.
I've already mentioned how Seanol can cross the blood-brain barrier, because it is 40% fat-soluble, unlike other antioxidants. Now let's see how well it works inside your brain.
Your memory is dependent on the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). In lab tests, Seanol increased rodent ACh by 140% in brain regions responsible for learning and memory. And it did this after just 7 days of treatment! There's more…
Remember how Seanol improves blood flow by relaxing and opening your arteries? Well, it makes sense that improved blood flow helps improve your memory and concentration, too.
Your carotid arteries feed your brain. One group of researchers found that Seanol increases the velocity of blood flow in this important artery from an average of 36.68 cm/sec. to 40.09 cm/sec. The placebo group showed no improvement at all.
National Institutes of Health scientists studied Seanol in animals. They found that animals fed Seanol learned maze challenges faster. That shows improvement in short-term memory that's so vulnerable in cognitive decline.
In yet another study, researchers found that Seanol improved alertness in bus drivers and high school students during their daytime activities. Again, this is likely due to increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain.
Gives you a better night's rest and a boost in energy
A good night's sleep is essential for weight loss, immune support, and your overall health. Here's where Seanol shines again.
When researchers gave Seanol to 36 participants in an 8-week study, the results were startling. Seanol cut the time it took for participants to fall asleep by 47 minutes. It increased total nighttime sleep by 1.6 hours. It improved soundness of sleep by 80%. It even boosted their energy level by 71%. Patients given the placebo showed no improvement.
Imagine how much better you'll feel with a full night's sleep. You won't be so drowsy during the day. You'll fight off colds and flu better. You'll be able to spend more time being active with friends and family.
As you can see, Seanol is an incredible nutrient. If all it did was undo years of damage to your arteries, improve healthy blood flow, lower your cholesterol and triglycerides, improve your memory and mental sharpness, and give you a better night's sleep — that would still make it one of the biggest nutritional discoveries we've seen in years.
But Seanol's amazing antioxidant power doesn't stop there. Researchers have also discovered that it…
✓ Soothes joint pain and inflammation
Seanol also has the amazing ability to reduce inflammatory COX enzymes. COX enzymes cause inflammation, joint discomfort and pain. These enzymes can get out of whack due to bad diet, stress, injury, infection, and toxins.
Seanol significantly reduced pain in a group of patients with knee and joint problems. And unlike conventional COX-inhibiting treatments, Seanol soothes your joint pain without putting your heart health in jeopardy!
✓ Beats fatigue and "mystery pains"
Are you one of the 10 million Americans who suffer from unusual muscle pains and excessive fatigue? You may also be plagued by poor sleep, morning stiffness, headaches and "fogginess" at times. Doctors don't know exactly what causes these mysterious symptoms, so treatment is difficult. But in a double-blind study, patients suffering from these symptoms took Seanol for 8 weeks and showed dramatic improvement.  Patients reported 31% less pain, 71% more energy, better nighttime sleep and 2 more "good days" every week!
✓ Supports healthy weight loss
If you're overweight, you know how difficult it is to shed those few extra pounds. The enzyme DGAT is a big reason. It's the final step in the synthesis of triglycerides. Triglycerides are nasty blood fats that ultimately wind up in your fat cells.
But researchers found that Seanol inhibits DGAT by more than 50%.  In experiments on lab mice, Seanol reduced their body fat and increased their physical activity. Obese mice lost more than 10% of their weight in just 120 days! In a human study, 141 young adults drank a beverage containing Seanol. In just two weeks, their average weight dropped nearly two-and-a-half pounds.
So along with a healthy diet and moderate exercise, Seanol stimulates your body to burn more fat — especially abdominal fat!
Alginol, with the amazing antioxidant benefits of Seanol, can help:
  1. Revive damaged arteries and improve blood flow

  2. Improve cholesterol and promote cardiovascular health

  3. Thin your blood naturally to support healthy circulation

  4. Sharpen your memory and mental focus

  5. Give you a better night's rest and a boost in energy

  6. Reduce joint pains and inflammation

  7. Beat fatigue and "mystery pains"

  8. Support healthy weight loss

  9. And much more
✓ Helps you maintain healthy
blood sugar
Dietary fat interferes with proper insulin metabolism. This can impair your insulin metabolism. But recent studies show that Seanol reverses fat deposits in the liver and pancreas cells. When researchers fed Seanol to genetically engineered fat mice, it caused a 10% reduction in blood glucose and literally removed fat. 
Doesn't it make sense that a substance that reduces pancreas fat might restore insulin production and reverse blood sugar imbalances? There's evidence it does…
My friend Ron M. had a long-term problem with high blood sugar. Ron followed my strict dietary suggestions. He took supplements. We completely eliminated his craving for two pots of coffee. But Ron continued having morning blood sugar in the range of 140 mg. (Of course that was down considerably from the 300 level when we first met.)
But within two weeks of starting Seanol, his blood sugar plummeted to an average of 100 mg. What's more, his blood sugar rapidly normalized after he "cheated" once and ate wedding cake. Before taking Seanol, that indiscretion would have sent his glucose over 300!
✓ Zaps the enzyme that destroys your eyes and nerves
You probably know that high blood sugar can lead to all sorts of health complications. One way that happens is through an enzyme called aldose reductase.
Aldose reductase is present in your eyes, nerves, and many other parts of your body. When your blood sugar gets too high, this enzyme converts some of the excess glucose into a sugar alcohol called sorbitol. Sorbitol can build up in your eyes and nerve cells and damage them.
But Seanol is a potent inhibitor of aldose reductase. So if you have high blood sugar or the pre-condition that leads to it, this is one supplement you want in your daily regimen!
✓ Boosts sexual performance
The best way I know to treat erectile problems is to maximize your body's ability to improve blood flow to the genitals. Remember how Seanol strengthens endothelium, the critical inner lining of your blood vessels? Endothelium generates a chemical called nitric oxide (NO). Nitric oxide relaxes your arteries and blood vessels, increasing blood flow. So it's no surprise when researchers gave Seanol to men with erectile difficulties, they found it boosted orgasmic function, intercourse satisfaction and overall satisfaction by more than 60%!
Safe and effective
Seanol has been studied by teams of PhDs and doctors for more than 15 years. There have been numerous clinical studies in the U.S., Japan, and Korea and over $35 million in research. Patients have taken tens of thousands of doses, with no serious adverse events.
What's more, Seanol is a "superfood" — not a pharmaceutical or synthetic product. People in Asia have been eating the seaweed it's based on for centuries. There are no known interactions with drugs, so you can take Seanol without worry if you're taking medications or other supplements.
Are you starting to see why Seanol should be part of your everyday plan to protect your heart, arteries, nerves and brain?
Get more Seanol for your money
I first brought you news about Seanol more than two years ago in my newsletter. Today, I'm not surprised to see other "doctor-come-latelys" finally talking about Seanol. Though I do have to chuckle when they claim to have "discovered" this amazing nutrient.  And I can only smile when they say they "went halfway around the world" to get it for you.
There is one advantage of the increased popularity of Seanol. With the increased interest in this remarkable antioxidant, the price has come down.  In fact, when I first wrote about Seanol, it cost upwards of $70 a bottle! 
But today I'm thrilled to tell you that you won't even pay half that amount. I have asked my friends at Advanced Bionutritionals to offer it to you at the lowest price they can. Their product, called Alginol®, is now available for less than $1 a day.
Each daily dose of Alginol® gives you an impressive 800 mg of Seanol. That's almost triple the amount used in the clinical study.  Plus, that's 11% more than the other leading brand.  Yet you pay the same low price — just $29.95 for a one-month supply.
And you don't even have to pay that much.  Thanks to special discounts available through this offer, you can pay as little as $24.95 per bottle.
Down-to-the-last pill guarantee
It's easy to order Alginol. Simply click here to fill out the secure order form. Or call us toll-free at 1-800-791-3395 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Once we receive your order, we'll rush it right out to you. You should receive it in 5-7 business days.
To give your body time to feel the full effects, I suggest you take advantage of our 3-month discount. You'll receive enough Alginol for 90 days plus save $9.90 off the single bottle price. Better yet, order a 6-month supply.  You'll save $30.00 off the single-bottle price plus shipping is FREE!
As with every Advanced Bionutritionals product, you're completely protected by our unconditional guarantee. If at any time you're not satisfied with Alginol, just return the unused portion for a full refund of every penny you paid, including any shipping charges. No questions asked, no exceptions, no fine print. Advanced Bionutritionals will refund your money even if you've finished the entire bottle!
So if you have any health condition — or just want to stay healthier — Alginol is for you. Order your supply today!
Yours for better health,
Robert J. Rowen, MD
P.S. Alginol contains pure Seanol extract.  It is an absolutely miraculous super food!  I give it my highest endorsement.  I take it. My wife takes it.  And I urge every one of my patients and readers to take it.  You should too!
Please follow this link to order, or call 800-791-3395, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Dr. Robert Rowen is compensated by Advanced Bionutritionals for his work in formulating and endorsing this product.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, mitigate, treat or prevent any disease.

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