Thursday, March 22, 2012

Peaking of Energy Supply, Alternative Sources must be found

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

Yesterday, the Big Three increased the prices of fuel in PHL.  In the US it was predicted that gasoline would rise to $7.00 per gallon, up from present $5.00.  This is due to several factors:   currency, the jitters of possible war with Iran.

But more than the truth is out;  oil  is finite resource and may soon dry out.  Efforts to explore oil has been decreasing annually. In the next 30 years, oil production may go down by 30%.  There is simply no more petroleum.  And yet we consume them at such a prodigous rate running factories, power generators and  automobiles.

Much of the progress we had from the discovery of petroleum l00 years ago may soon come to a halt.

The race for free energy is on.  Some ideas are the HoJo perpetual motion motors, and now the Tesla, the zero point energy.  We should step out of the box and learn more about this.  Our future may depend on this knowledge.

The current world economic problems would be compounded by lack of energy.  The race is really on for free energy

Hosea 4:24 "My people were nearly destroyed by lack of knowledge"

 "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."