Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Stem Cells Therapy is Available at the Medical City

Innovate or Die!  Nothing could be further from truth.  Without the ground breaking stem cells treatment for cancer many would die. It is now available in the PHL!

Stem Cells for Cancer Treatment

I had the opportunity to talk to the CEO of The Medical City right after the Lenten recollection at AGSB and I inquired from him about stem cells therapy because I overhead them talk about this in one of the faculty conferences.  One of the professors who had cancer of the kidney risked $60,000 for this treatment and still around well beyond the l year timeline he set as extension coming from the treatment.

Yes he said, this available at the TMC under a group for Regnerative diseases.  I  may contact for my brother who made the inquiry, Dra.Marina Chua Tan of the said group.

Thank you Dr. Bengzon

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