Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Distribution Business Model for FCMG in India (an MLM)
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
If you are interested in MLM here in PHL or you would like to enter distribution in India for cosmetics, here is something you must look at. It is published at slideshare.
/own-your-own-business-Distribution and Marketing
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
If you are interested in MLM here in PHL or you would like to enter distribution in India for cosmetics, here is something you must look at. It is published at slideshare.
/own-your-own-business-Distribution and Marketing
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
NU 6 of NU 6 - IV, , LPC Hairstyling Software
NU 6 of NU 6
New Salon Service: To see is to Believe!
"Ma'am/Sir, this hairstyle suits you!" this is a common affirmation in a salon. Have you ever experienced a haircut that looks terrific in a magazine and the stylist seconded that the hairstyle suits you but at the end of the day you definitely wanted your hair back? Well, I experienced that a lot before.
Editing pictures is so easy nowadays. You can have your face attached in a celebrity's body, change your eye color, remove makeup in seconds, and the most amazing part is you can change hairstyle in just one click.
This means that with the technology we have today, it is very possible to have a computer or any other gadget in a salon that will enable the customer to have a preview on how she or he can look like with the new hairstyle. You can mix and match hundreds or thousands of hairstyles uploaded in a database. The salon will definitely have additional income through this service.
Suggested procedure:
- Since this is a new service, the salon personnel should invite his or her customer to avail this,
- If the customer would want this service, there should be a camera connected to the gadget to capture the customer's face,
- After cropping the face, the customer will choose from the given categories. Examples are: styles for long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, etc.
- After choosing, it is time to pick one from the hairstyles included in the selected category,
- It is time to paste the customer's captured and cropped face into the selected hairstyle,
- The customer may repeat the steps if still not satisfied with the hairstyle, and
- Possible options may be to print, or to save the edited picture preview with an additional fee.
It is also possible to have software built by a developer so that it is more personalized as to what the salon would want to offer to its customers. It is a simple capture, crop, pick, and paste procedure. In the end, no more I-WANT-MY-HAIR-BACK scenarios! 4
Lipa City, Philippines
NU 5 of NU 6- IV, LPC, Deactivation of Stolen CP
Cellular Phone Snatching No More!
Year 2011 is a memorable year for me. Not just because of happy moments but also because of disappointing scenarios. How many of us experienced cell phone snatching? I am pretty sure, many of us. Last June 2011, I lost my Samsung Corby, not so expensive but is so valuable to me. I left it in our counter table in our Internet Café. After 2-3 minutes, it was gone!
Mobile or cellular phone can be snatched from any person, anywhere and at any time where the snatcher is sure of his success and has a safe passage to escape. The people most vulnerable to cell phone snatching are those who travel alone in car, motorbike riders and pedestrians on the streets or in the busy markets. People generally don't dare to resist with the cell phone snatcher for fear of being killed by him and give up easily. This goes in favor of the snatchers as such the crime of cell phone snatching is spreading rapidly. So far the police have not been able to prevent this crime, which is their primary responsibility. Similarly the government has also not paid any attention to this menace. The citizens have therefore started feeling insecure while carrying their cell phone. (
I happened to read an article on how to make cellphone snatching unprofitable ( According to the article, the owner can report his stolen phone to the National Telecommunications Commission. The NTC will just ask to formally file with them an affidavit of loss stating there the serial number and model of the phone and other relevant information. By doing this, the NTC can block the signal of the cellphone even if the sim is replaced rendering the phone useless to any "subsequent possessor".
Last week, my friend asked me to accompany her to the market to have her cell phone fixed. I was shocked because I saw the personnel of that unauthorized repair shop removed a certain "part" of an old cell phone and replaced it on my friend's broken cell phone. This gave me an idea that the old cell phone, where the personnel got the part, may be stolen. This means that even if the owner would have had the signal blocked by NTC, cell phone snatching may still be profitable via selling its useful parts.
I suggest that cell phone manufacturers should have a certain option (maybe a press-button will do) for the buyers to have their cell phones deactivated if were snatched. Totally shut down meaning each part will be useless but of course if given back to the owner, it also has the option to be revived. This will definitely lessen incidents of cell phone snatching. < IV, the parts of a CP are generic; they could not be deactivated. Pls ask Gil) 3
AGSB Clark,
Lipa City, Philippines
Innovations Abound Everywhere
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
As we just look around us (a rule for entreprepreneurs is OLO - Observe Learn Observe) we see that we can learn a lot from activities of enterprises around us.
For example, Andok's has modernized its store format. (modernized - innovated). It is beginning to look more like a fastfood outlet; it menus is no longer just lechon manok but is now varied. And knowing perhaps that lechon manok is sometimes used as pulutan, it has offered places where one can drink and eat lechon manok too. It is adjusting the business model to the PTM.
Along the way yesterday, I noticed that there are no more buko nuts peddler: they sell allready shelled nuts, or sell buko juices in containers, or buko meat packed for buko salad in styropors. Hmm. More value adding/creation, delivery
Look at big industrial corporations too, like a big firm in Laguna. There are banks, food outlets within the compound to serve its thousands of employees. A mall put up an outlet, barely some 3 km from its downtown mall, to serve the burgeoning needs of these employees.
Who says that we in PHL are behind innovations? Are we not holding our own? We may not keep pace with pure technological research but.....
I saw that in Korea, in Samsung compounds, there are employee facilities like food outlets, groceries, etc to satisfy customer needs. It goes well with the chaebol set up of Samsung. Not only doing this is a good hr prractice, but is a good business.
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Thursday, December 29, 2011
NU6 2 - What pisses you off at the mall?
Hi Prof Jorge,
Below is my second NU6 idea.
What pisses you off at the mall? What do you suggest?
Long lines, this is what pisses me off at the mall. There are specific stores in the mall that have long line almost all the time. These are fast food outlets such as Jollibee, KFC, Chowking and Mcdonald and restaurant like Pancake, Shakeys, Pizza Hut and Max Fried Chicken. There is that one time where you will experience that irritating moment where you feel you need to shout at the people to hurry up.
One time I was in a lane at a fast food outlet with three counters that are all full. I was on the seventh row after I counted the number of customers from the cashier. After 20 minutes, the customer in front of me was now at the cashier. Instead of telling the cashier what she will order, she went through the list of all the food items on menu, does not decide until five minutes are over. Finally she decided to buy a value meal. What! We have been waiting for about 20 minutes and she did not even bother to check what she will order. This long line would even double on holidays such as Christmas or at the beginning of school year. If you want to be comfortable and do not want to experience these long waiting lines, then you go to expensive dining restaurant where customer satisfaction is part of what you're paying. Just make sure that you have enough cash to pay for this premium service. But for those who can not afford this expensive place, something must be done to improve the process.
If you have been to BPI bank, they have improve there customer waiting time in line by putting electronic machine where clients input there transaction and the machine will provide you with your queue number which specify your completed transaction. As your number is called, the teller already knows what your transaction is and a few seconds more and you're finished.
My idea is to install a pre-order system electronically like the system of BPI. Fast-food outlets can install a number of machines where customer key in there order and comes out a queue number. Once your number is called, you pay to the cashier and your order is done. No more waiting in line. It is like automating the order system and improving cycle time. In restaurant, each table can be installed with an "ipad" like machine where customer key in there order. Once completed, the waiter can approach you and confirm your order.
There are many advantage from this, faster cycle for ordering process, less waiting time from customer, no idle time from restaurant waiter or crew. Interaction with customer is still present because order will still be confirm personally. Installed gadget on tables can be use for promotional activity or attraction for target customers such as kids and teens. It's like real time-on line ordering system. 4
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas to ALL
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Many Innovations in the Financial Services Sector
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
The banking sector is under pressure to innovate. First in the traditional banking business. BDO is doing a lot of business in the retail sector because: it extended its banking hours beyond the traditional Monday to Friday 9-3 pm. It has adopted to the work schedules and even shopping schedules of its customers; that is is why it does business up to 6 pm and even on Saturday and Sunday. Those who stick to their custom and habits will find it hard to compete. The winner in the banking game will not be determined by the number of branches or its financial might but how well they respond to the customer needs and wants.
Then on the payment system. The Bayad centers (owned by Meralco) is taking away traffic from the banks. And who knows that someday the Bayad centers would offer credit cards, forex and other financial services.
And then the fund transfers. Before banks controlled the remittances. But now, there are Western Union, LBC, g cash. smart cash whose charges are much much lower. Will the banks still dominate the large and lucrative remittance business?
The credit card companies will see pressure coming from debit cards in the cell phone using tap technology. The payment system will change the way we see it (heard of Google wallet?)
And now there are sprouting GPRS businesses (Global Payment and Remittance Services). Hmmm.
BPI however under Mr. Montinola III is spearheading construction of minibanks and bank all services.
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
It is Possible to Manufacture Locally Carbon Fiber Soled Biking Shoes
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
Last week, I bought a made in China but with Western brand biking shoes with carbon fiber soles. It costs almost P5t. However, we were discussing and I posted it in a biking blog that Mr. Boy Pepsi, the local maker of SIDI biking shoes (costs only Plt+) has better uppers for the local shoes. The imported Italian made shoes crack under the harsh PH sunshine.
This morning, as I talked to a fellow biker, he understands the carbon fiber technology as his relative exports carbon fiber exhaust pipes to an ASEAN country. He was able to repair a carbon fiber fork; and he plans to make biking shoes with carbon fiber soles, however, he does not understand the upper part of the shoes. So what can be done is he supplies the soles, Mr. Pepsi does the upper and assembles the shoes. New business, new Philippine made product.
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
The l9 Smartest People the World has Ever Known
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
Most Americans would have an IQ of l00. But those who are featured here have IQ that range from l40 to over 200. Would you believe - over 200?!!!
The list includes the beautiful and sexy Sharon Stone. Three of them are chess players. We are familiar with two of them: Bobby Fisher and Gary Kasparov.
I hope they are not within the borderline of lunacy; or being dumb with practical things. Two Ben Netanyahu and John Sununu found themselves in the government.
Here is the link:
l9 smartest people in the world
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Let Us Help CDO and Iligan City flood victims
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
Because of improved communications and the social media, we are now more connected with disasters and suffering of our fellow Filipinos. There were more fatalities at Ormoc City floods about 5,000 died. In CDO there were more than l,000 fatalities. But we saw more graphic videos and pictures.
And besides CDO and Iligan cities are cities we love and where we have many friends and acquaintances. Let us help them. Here are some links on how to help them:
How to Send Donations to help CDO and Iligan Sendong Flood Victims

In the true spirit of Christmas, our donation is real sharing to show our compassion and our being man for others.
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Because of improved communications and the social media, we are now more connected with disasters and suffering of our fellow Filipinos. There were more fatalities at Ormoc City floods about 5,000 died. In CDO there were more than l,000 fatalities. But we saw more graphic videos and pictures.
And besides CDO and Iligan cities are cities we love and where we have many friends and acquaintances. Let us help them. Here are some links on how to help them:
How to Send Donations to help CDO and Iligan Sendong Flood Victims
In the true spirit of Christmas, our donation is real sharing to show our compassion and our being man for others.
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
NU6 by GG, Str Regis,"What pisses you off?"
What pisses you off at the neighborhood? What do you suggest?
Unruly drivers of public utility vehicles such as commuter vans, PUJ, tricycle and bus drivers is what pisses me off on the road during travel. Traffic is one of the most irritating problems we encounter daily whether we are going to work, going to school, visiting family or friends or simply going the mall on a weekend. Add this up to drivers without discipline makes you loose your temper in the early hour of the day which could affect you for the rest of the day. These irritating drivers are also one cause of simple accident you see from time to time. I’ve tried to do some research on information about accidents in the Philippines and I saw some fact sheets from the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) posted May 16, 2007. Here’s the reference and link Though the date is old, the information is quite useful.
From the data gathered in 2006, the type of vehicle that is involved in traffic accident is top by automobile at 27%, followed by motorcycle at 20.7% and jeepney at 19.2%. Accident involving tricycle is at 5th at 10.9% and bus at 7th with 7.6%. The number one cause of accident is driver’s error which is 27.8% or 4,182 out of 15,064 accidents recorded in 2006. Other causes are mechanical defect, over speeding and use of cellular phones.
Although there are no data saying discipline is the root cause of accident, by merely seeing traffic rules being violated by this drivers is a fact. We also notice this bad behavior in merging roads. Instead of yielding or alternately allowing the other lane to pass through, drivers of this public utility vehicle push their vehicles closer to you so you won’t be able to overtake them. And my other observation, turn signals means you have to yield and slow down. It does not mean that you have to push on the accelerator pedal.
Since majority of this violators and stubborn drivers spend most of their time on the road, my recommendation is to bring the information to the road regarding traffic rules and promote good and discipline driving habits. Government can use the new technology as part of this improvement. Provide more road signs on merging traffic. Illustrate yielding of vehicle to give way and ease traffic. In manufacturing, best practice and good discipline are illustrated and posted in manufacturing floors and bulletin boards where people can always see and remember them. This can be applied to our community. The information on accidents trends and violators charts can also be shown in Land Transportation Offices (LTO) or other government institutions. Another recommendation is to show digital videos regarding road discipline and traffic rules at Land Transportation Offices (LTO) instead of playing local movies or noontime shows. This would make drivers be more informed while waiting for their license or car registration for 4 hours. Come to think of it, this long waiting time at LTO offices also piss me off. What new things can we do to be more productive in this time? Hmmm, another new idea . . .Great Idea: but police and LTO must make money on these driver's error. 4
Nu Idea with ProfJorge: NU6 by TTL LPC Reg
Nu Idea with ProfJorge: NU6 by TTL LPC Reg
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
TTL got iPhone 4s ahead of others. The siri is the main reason why it is in great demand. You can ask the phone to even call your secretary
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
TTL got iPhone 4s ahead of others. The siri is the main reason why it is in great demand. You can ask the phone to even call your secretary
Monday, December 19, 2011
Innovative Company Wants to Tap into the Pool of Foreign Talents and Entrepreneurs
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage .
An innovative company wants to tap into the pool of foreign inventors and entrepreneurs, by having a floating venue for them, off the coast of California to start their business, and get access to other resources in Silicon Valley. Current immigration laws can frustrate efforts of foreigners to start a venture in USA. This floating venue give foreign investors, and foreign graduates a chance to do their thing without violating current US immigration laws.
Really sound great and innovative. What do you think?
Here is the link to the article:
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
An innovative company wants to tap into the pool of foreign inventors and entrepreneurs, by having a floating venue for them, off the coast of California to start their business, and get access to other resources in Silicon Valley. Current immigration laws can frustrate efforts of foreigners to start a venture in USA. This floating venue give foreign investors, and foreign graduates a chance to do their thing without violating current US immigration laws.
Really sound great and innovative. What do you think?
Here is the link to the article:
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Gallery of Christmas Lights and Decor Seen this Christmas 2011
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
After going around last night prior to the Simbang Gabi for Class 72 at Church of Gesu, I saw a lot of Christmas lights and decor that are worth remembering and archiving. I think some of them are equal or better than those seen abroad. They bring joy and the spirit of Christmas to everyone. Inspiring too. Here are some of them (in case you hate the traffic and hate going around)
At the UP School of Economics
UP Aglipay Church
UP Hotel
UP Chapel
Even UP Infirmary is Aglow
Christmas Lights and Decor at UP Bahay ng Alumni
Lights at Bahay ng Alumni
Abelardo Hall Night Views
Sparklers from a box
Lights at Bahay ng Alumni
Nice Decor at Ceiling of Chocolate Kiss
Loob ng Bahay ng alumni
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Conversation with Prof Terence of Opeman
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
During the AGSB lunch Christmas Party, I sat down with the newest faculty of AGSB, Prof Terence teaching at Opeman cluster. I learned that he works with the company of Prof Ante, selling all kinds of medical equipment. I said the good contacts would be MBAH students/graduates who own hospitals or are admininstrators.
We talked about our health; we are both diabetics. We agreed that dieting and exercise would be best antidote. Do you have to stop eating other food? No. Just graze. Eat a lot of things but small amounts only. Be on guard of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
I also learned that he worked with Seagate (hard disk manufacturer) I also learned that if you are to study business cycle - start growth and decline of business/products, the best place to study this is in memory business. In the same way that when you study living things, you study fruit flies.
His specialty is Supply Chain Management. We agreed that the SCM in Phil was enabled by the Nautical Highway.
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
This Blog is being Scammed
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
"What gets around gets around hard."
I do not know whether some friends and acquaintances are playing pranks on me or have shared the blogsend address with others. But some drafts of posts coming in are scam letters (the Nigerian scam), lottery wins in USA that I did not join or love notes from admirers. I will have to change the blogsend email address to prevent this from further happenning. Or I was careless in erasing the email addresses in the blogposts?
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
"What gets around gets around hard."
I do not know whether some friends and acquaintances are playing pranks on me or have shared the blogsend address with others. But some drafts of posts coming in are scam letters (the Nigerian scam), lottery wins in USA that I did not join or love notes from admirers. I will have to change the blogsend email address to prevent this from further happenning. Or I was careless in erasing the email addresses in the blogposts?
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Saturday, December 17, 2011
NU6 3 by PC, AGSB LPC Reg "Taking Off The Accountant's Hat"
> I am an accountant by profession. However, gone are the days when traditional accounting jobs like month-end closing, accruals, allocations, and accounts payable are the most value-adding functions of an accountant. Today in Shell, the mechanical bits of accounting are all off-shored to the shared service centers. Hence, the accounting jobs on-shore have become less in number and have evolved into what is called Finance in the Business. Becoming FiB involves a change of mindset and this has become more apparent to me when I joined Shell's Supply business as integrated margin advisor. As IMA, I had to understand how an oil refinery works from a technical standpoint. For example, if last year someone had asked me to draw a simple schematic of a semi-complex refinery like Tabangao, I wouldn't know where to start. Today, I will be able to converse with a chemical engineer and draw a simple flow of hydrocarbon from the de-salter, crude distiller, thermal cracker, hydro de-sulfurizer, sulfur recovery and ultimately to the tanks. I know what are the streams that come out of the reformer and I know what are the specs for octane, Reid vapor pressure, sulfur, viscosity and p-value for products. And for me to learn all these, I had to take off my accountant's hat and put on the hat of a geek who's amazed by science and hungry to learn new things. I stepped out of my comfortable corner and started asking questions that are non-accounting in nature but whose answers would otherwise help me understand the business that I support even more. And how does this help me in my job? Firstly, when the technical people begin to rattle off in a language that does not seem to be English, I will not feel lost. I will in a better position to clarify, complement, and at times, even challenge the decisions that the business will make albeit from a finance standpoint. In short, I will not sound stupid to the people that I work with. Knowing what is going on is also important because almost anything has an impact to the company's books and if an accountant's nose is stuck in the books, he will be ill-prepared to anticipate these impacts and to advise the business accordingly.
> The course that I went to last week, Refinery and Supply Economics, further opened my eyes even more about the fundamental differences between how an accountant thinks and how a refinery economist thinks. For example, if someone asks an accountant how much money is saved by a new heat exchanger that will reduce energy consumption by 2 tsrf (tons standard refinery fuel), the most likely response would be calculated from the production cost of refinery fuel (i.e. $/ton cost of crude x % refinery fuel per ton of intake + $/ton energy cost to process crude). This answer would be incorrect from an economic standpoint. The right one would then be first to know what is inside the refinery fuel pool. If the fuel pool contains imported natural gas, residue, cracked fuel oil and fuel gas, which one would you first "back out"? An economist would then say, the material with the highest value would be the first one backed out since that would save the refinery most money. Second question would be, what is the value of each of the 4 materials in your fuel pool? This question can be answered by knowing what is the alternative outlet of the materials. Will they be blended off into the low-sulfur fuel oil pool? Will they be sold in-land at import parity prices? Or is there no in-land demand and thus any extra tons would have to be exported at a discount? As one can see, refinery economics is not very straightforward but it is very interesting and forces an accountant like me to think in a different manner. Moving into a finance role that is so closely-tied to the business is indeed a big challenge for me. However, the challenges are not insurmountable, provided that one is open to new ways working, new ways of thinking and new ways of looking at what's happening around him. And that's exactly the new attitude that I am going to bring with me to the new and exciting year ahead. Now after reading this, tell me if it felt like you are reading something that an accountant has written. If yes, then I still have my work cut out for me. If not, then at least I've already had a good start! 4
> Sent from my iPad
> The course that I went to last week, Refinery and Supply Economics, further opened my eyes even more about the fundamental differences between how an accountant thinks and how a refinery economist thinks. For example, if someone asks an accountant how much money is saved by a new heat exchanger that will reduce energy consumption by 2 tsrf (tons standard refinery fuel), the most likely response would be calculated from the production cost of refinery fuel (i.e. $/ton cost of crude x % refinery fuel per ton of intake + $/ton energy cost to process crude). This answer would be incorrect from an economic standpoint. The right one would then be first to know what is inside the refinery fuel pool. If the fuel pool contains imported natural gas, residue, cracked fuel oil and fuel gas, which one would you first "back out"? An economist would then say, the material with the highest value would be the first one backed out since that would save the refinery most money. Second question would be, what is the value of each of the 4 materials in your fuel pool? This question can be answered by knowing what is the alternative outlet of the materials. Will they be blended off into the low-sulfur fuel oil pool? Will they be sold in-land at import parity prices? Or is there no in-land demand and thus any extra tons would have to be exported at a discount? As one can see, refinery economics is not very straightforward but it is very interesting and forces an accountant like me to think in a different manner. Moving into a finance role that is so closely-tied to the business is indeed a big challenge for me. However, the challenges are not insurmountable, provided that one is open to new ways working, new ways of thinking and new ways of looking at what's happening around him. And that's exactly the new attitude that I am going to bring with me to the new and exciting year ahead. Now after reading this, tell me if it felt like you are reading something that an accountant has written. If yes, then I still have my work cut out for me. If not, then at least I've already had a good start! 4
> Sent from my iPad
NU6 LPC Reg,
Techspeak Understanding
Batangas City, Philippines
The Bridal Registry is a Great Innovation
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
I am going to be a wedding sponsor today for a former entrep student. In the wedding invitation it was indicated that we should consult the wedding registry in the couples name in a mall. When I did I saw that it was a great service for the sponsors and the the to be wedded couple:
l. The couple has a gift wish list. So in a way they can avoid duplication of gifts (this usually happens in a an unregistered wedding);
2. They gift wrap for the giver the gift free;
3. They deliver the gift to the event venue free. Hence there is no need to carry the gift, especially if it is bulky
4 It does churn in a lot of business for the mall: birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Great idea. What new idea will they think of next?
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
I am going to be a wedding sponsor today for a former entrep student. In the wedding invitation it was indicated that we should consult the wedding registry in the couples name in a mall. When I did I saw that it was a great service for the sponsors and the the to be wedded couple:
l. The couple has a gift wish list. So in a way they can avoid duplication of gifts (this usually happens in a an unregistered wedding);
2. They gift wrap for the giver the gift free;
3. They deliver the gift to the event venue free. Hence there is no need to carry the gift, especially if it is bulky
4 It does churn in a lot of business for the mall: birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Great idea. What new idea will they think of next?
"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
Friday, December 16, 2011
Str Regis Must Keep Pace with LPC Regis NU6 Submission
The Ateneo GSB Advantage
I was trying to keep track via this blogs labels the number of NU6 submitted to this blog by both Str Regis and LPC Regis classes. So far only ALT, for the last two sessions has submitted only one NU6, and other's submission is still zero. Str is much nearer the centers of technology and innovation so I think they must lead the way.
I was trying to keep track via this blogs labels the number of NU6 submitted to this blog by both Str Regis and LPC Regis classes. So far only ALT, for the last two sessions has submitted only one NU6, and other's submission is still zero. Str is much nearer the centers of technology and innovation so I think they must lead the way.
Urban Myths on Cell Phone Causing Gasoline Station Fires
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
Somebody forwarded to me an email to be careful when using cellphone when filling up with gasoline at gas stations. While there are laws that prohibit the use of cellphone at gasoline stations (that includes turning off the engine, no smoking, and using special containers for gasoline), the mythbusters at Discovery tried to prove the theory that indeed cellphones cause gasoline station fires.
There were several tries using various powers of cell phone and various concentration of gasoline vapors, but they were no unable to start a gasoline fire from cellphone signal. Perhaps attaching a detonator to the cellphone would; but not cellphone by itself.
What starts a fire is the static electricity that maybe generated by: clothes (or polyester underwear) rubbing with cars leather/leatherette seats, or walking on the painted pavement of the gasoline station. Be sure you ground your body by touching the car before touching the gas tank or the gas filler.
In the Philippine setting, the gasoline boys presence and dispensing the gasoline prevents gasoline fire from happenning. There is no static electricity generated while driving the car.
Which theory is correct: CP cause gasoline fire? Or they dont? Do you believe the Myth Busters mythbusting.?
Somebody forwarded to me an email to be careful when using cellphone when filling up with gasoline at gas stations. While there are laws that prohibit the use of cellphone at gasoline stations (that includes turning off the engine, no smoking, and using special containers for gasoline), the mythbusters at Discovery tried to prove the theory that indeed cellphones cause gasoline station fires.
There were several tries using various powers of cell phone and various concentration of gasoline vapors, but they were no unable to start a gasoline fire from cellphone signal. Perhaps attaching a detonator to the cellphone would; but not cellphone by itself.
What starts a fire is the static electricity that maybe generated by: clothes (or polyester underwear) rubbing with cars leather/leatherette seats, or walking on the painted pavement of the gasoline station. Be sure you ground your body by touching the car before touching the gas tank or the gas filler.
In the Philippine setting, the gasoline boys presence and dispensing the gasoline prevents gasoline fire from happenning. There is no static electricity generated while driving the car.
Which theory is correct: CP cause gasoline fire? Or they dont? Do you believe the Myth Busters mythbusting.?
NU6 by HJA - New Seafarers Positions
The shipping industry depends on an adequate supply of highly skilled, motivated and professional seafarers, particularly officers, to operate ships safely and efficiently. Unfortunately, it has been clear for some years that a shortage of qualified officers was emerging, and several commentators, including the periodic manpower surveys, have not only confirmed this but have forecast that the shortage would increase over time.
Just imagine the world without shipping and seafarers. Furthermore, consider these:
1) Over 90 percent of goods transported worldwide are on board vessels of any kind and the demand continues to increase every year.
2) There is a current shortage of 50,000 qualified seafarers worldwide and the number is also expected to double by 2015.
3) Of the estimated 1.3 million seafarers in the world, Filipinos account for more than 350,000.
4) Recruitment companies are engaged in cut-throat competition just to get the most qualified officers required by their respective ship-owners.
Looking at the above statements, one can easily infer that there is surely a big gap to fill in the global shortage of qualified seafarers and Filipinos would definitely play an important part in solving these problems.
One very interesting development happening in the local scene is the creation of a new school curriculum to develop officers who could be both a ship captain and a chief engineer at the same time. This would mean that instead of having two officers to oversee the deck and engine departments, we could put just one officer with dual position.
The officers in the Deck Department are normally responsible for navigating the ship, watch keeping on the navigational bridge when sailing and on deck when in port, mooring operations when entering / leaving port, maintenance of fire fighting equipment and life saving appliances etc. The officers in the Engine Department (Engineers) are responsible for daily watch keeping over and maintenance of the ships propulsion machinery, power generators and various other machinery and equipment.
Conventional wisdom dictates that dual position on board a running ship is just too risky but I say, everything is possible. We have seen a lot of developments happening recently which we first thought as next to impossible. I am not saying that this is going to be easy but I honestly think that this is doable. If we could provide each Filipino seafarer the competencies required to function both as deck and engine officer through this program then we could again help the shipping industry in addressing the shortage of officers. This would also mean significant savings for the ship-owners who have to pay their captains and chief engineers generously in order to keep them in their fleet. This would also streamline the processes on board since there would only be one person overseeing the operations of the vessel.
The main advantage of the system is greater flexibility of the onboard officers. Onboard operations also benefit greatly from officers working in the deck department being familiar with the technical operation of the ship, and officers in the engine department being familiar with the operational side.
NU6 by IOV, LPC Regis
NU4 of NU6
Robbers used to be easily recognized, based on the way they dress, look, and act.But what if today's robbers and pickpockets are disguised as an innocent child or a young girl begging for help? What if they're just ordinary people who are just talented in speaking and acting?
These people are known as the "Budul-budol" gang. You may have crossed paths with them unconsciously. They sometimes work in groups. And these groups of people victimize without any exception as long as they will get something out of their victims (
We live in Tanauan City, Batangas- a normal city where extraordinary version of budul-budol gang emerged.
How do they do it? This is based on my cousin's experience last Friday, December 9, 2011 around 4:00PM-5:00PM. It happened in our internet cafe.
Jane- member of budul-budol gang
Ana- my cousin
Step 1: A girl named Jane, between 18-25 years old, went to our internet cafe for several days and rented a computer for one hour in her every visit. This was the reason why my cousin, Ana, thought she was familiar.Step 2: After some time, Jane befriended my cousin. Ana was just being professional that is why she didn't think that there was something wrong.
Step 3: Jane asked Ana to be her 5-month-old son's godparent. In our place, it is in our culture that saying NO is not an option if we were asked to be someone's godparent.
Step 4: She mentioned several names (she claimed to be our common friends). Because of this, Jane got Ana's trust.
Step 5: Every detail was clear- the schedule of the christening, the Church, and where the reception will take place. Jane deserves a best-actress award.
Step 6: Jane opened up how terrible their life is to the point that she still lacks Php250 for the Church' fee for Christening. My cousin felt sorry for her, gave her Php300, and asked for her mobile number (which Jane dictated comfortably).
Step 7: The girl stayed for several more minutes telling stories about her son and then left telling that she'll be back before the schedule of the Christening.
When the girl left, my cousin tried to contact her thru the mobile number she gave. Unfortunately, the number was incorrect. We decided to call the Church where she said the Christening will take place but there was no scheduled activity for the day she mentioned.
We therefore concluded that the girl is a member of the newly-formed-version of budul-budol gang.
We went to our barangay office and found out that in 2 days, there were ten incidents of budul-budol in our place with the same stories but in different names. 3.5
We must always think critically and not listen solely to our heart in such cases that someone we do not really know begs for help.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
NU6 by ALT Disposable Toilet Seats, STR Regis
The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage
The Missing Toilet Seats
Another thing that pisses me off in public CRs especially in malls are the missing toilet seats. I believe that these are intentionally removed so that it requires no maintenance. But for me who's very conscious on the various diseases that one can harbor in using public toilets, it is essential that these toilet seats, together with cleaned and sanitized CR facilities should be strictly implemented.
But somehow, we can't blame the owners of these facilities because most of the reasons for the missing toilet seats are due to improper use. Instead of replacing the damaged seats, it is much better to leave it that way.
Most of public CRs have vending machines where one can buy tissue and sanitary napkins. I happen to know from this one famous young actress that she always brought with her a disposable toilet seat cover that is shaped the same as that of a toilet seat. The material is the almost the same as a tissue paper but thicker. It also has antibacterial properties.
There are manufacturers of this disposable toilet seats. What is probably lacking is that these should be distributed in areas accessible to the user such as public CRs.
Using disposable toilet seats minimizes the incident of hands having direct contact with the rim of the toilet bowl. Wiping tissue paper or wet ones increases the probability of contracting diseases. Though the best way is still proper hand washing and sanitizing after CR breaks, whether with or without toilet seats. 4
NU6 by ALT, Waterproofing Barcodes of Fresh Produce, STR Reg
The Unreadable Barcode
Nowadays, mall supermarkets are very competitive when it comes to their fresh section. Gone are the days when meat, fish, poultry and vegetables are not as fresh as their ordinary public wet market counterparts. Prices at the supermarkets and supermarket malls are now almost the same as outside especially if the brands they carry are their own house brands.
I am one of those who benefit from the convenience of shopping for fresh items in an air-conditioned and clean area, and could dine and recreate with my family after. But there is this one thing that pisses me off when buying fresh produce in the supermarket malls: the unreadable barcode!!!
I am a busy person and time is very important. Fast and agile service is what I always look for in a particular establishment. In supermarket malls, fresh produced are either pre-weighed or you can choose and have it weighed by the crews there. A barcode is placed on each weighed product bearing the price/kg, actual weight and actual price. When already at the counter to have my items calculated, most of the barcodes that are not readable by the scanner came from the fresh produce. The cashier will then input the barcode numbers one by one and this is of course slows down the calculating process. I've noticed that the missed readings are rampant on wet items such as fresh meat (poultry, pork, beef and fish). There are also noted missed barcode readings in vegetables, though not that wet compared to meat, but still moisture from the vegetables is affecting the barcode reading efficiency.
To address this issue, the paper used for printing barcode stickers should be waterproof. I believe this is the one that is causing the missed readings. Paper companies may develop a smudge free and waterproof paper for barcode stickers.3
NU6 by WC Taxis in LPC, LPC Regis
The Ateneo MBA Advantage |
: ONIONS are effective anti Bacterials (but can be toxic too?)
About Onions
In the Philippines, onions is considered a very good antidote vs aswang (vampires is the equivalent? In this forwarded article, it was pointed out:
l. That onions have very good anti bacterial properties and can be good vs flu and other epidemics;
2. That food poisoning comes from spoiled onions:
3. That dogs should not be fed onions because their stomach can not metabolize onions
In the Philippines, onions is considered a very good antidote vs aswang (vampires is the equivalent? In this forwarded article, it was pointed out:
l. That onions have very good anti bacterial properties and can be good vs flu and other epidemics;
2. That food poisoning comes from spoiled onions:
3. That dogs should not be fed onions because their stomach can not metabolize onions
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