Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Bridal Registry is a Great Innovation

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

I am going to be a wedding sponsor today for a former entrep student.  In the wedding invitation it was indicated that we should consult the wedding registry in the couples name in  a mall.  When I did I saw that it was a great service for the sponsors and the the to be wedded couple:

l.  The couple has a gift wish list.  So in a way they can avoid duplication of gifts (this usually happens in a an unregistered wedding);

2.  They gift wrap for the giver the gift free;

3.  They deliver the gift to the event venue free.  Hence there is no need to carry the gift, especially if it is bulky

4  It does churn in a lot of business for the mall:    birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

Great idea.  What new idea will they think of next?

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."