Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NU3 ­ Finally Get Things Done Without Stress by M080037

NU3 – Finally Get Things Done Without Stress

It has been a perennial problem of mine keeping things tidy: Papers, Books, Inboxes, notes. For years, I have been so disorganized that I tend to forget a lot of things. I fail at excelling primarily because of disorganization. I purchased a lot of organizing tools, folders, notebooks, Todo software, etc. to no avail. I find myself in trouble even more.

I realize that the reason I am disorganizes is that I allow things to stack atom each other. I often leave emails in the inbox; too lazy to move them to another folder. Well, one reason I have resistance moving them to another folder is because I have created a lot already. I guess finding a system that makes you to take action immediately, or have an efficient system for storing emails that need action in the future.

Reading Getting Things Done helped me a lot. I began creating these folders:

·      Need Action Now - Obvious, Ill work on the stuff in here untill it's done. Disaggregating complex task and create sub tasks and project folders if needed.
·      Delegated - Check later for updates - These are stuff I asked someone else to do. These are the things I will keep asking my staff from.
·      Waiting for Reply - These are emails and tasks I need more info about.
·      Someday - these are emails, folders, brochures, files that I want to take on someday when I am not too busy.

The key is to keep inbox empty so I can take in more. Decide on an item as I encountered it the first time: do I need further details, then I should move it to Waiting. Can someone else do this for me, then I put it in Delegated and inform the person about it. Do I need to work on this but soon? Then move it to Action. Is it a nice book? Wow, I'd love to read thatsomeday, let me put that leaflet on my Someday file.

Inside the Someday and Waiting folders, there can be sub-folders named after the project. Files like timelines and important data can be stored there.

This, I believe will allow me to efficiently take on new tasks, be less worried by things I might forget doing and go crazy. 3