Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NU12 Idea #7 Revised by Mariko Franca “Multi-Purpose Bed”

One of the things I did when I rearranged the bedroom I was sharing with my sister was to remove our study table.  I thought I can do my homework downstairs in the living room or on my bed since I have a portable laptop table.  You see, our bedroom is now too small for the both of us so we had to remove things to free up some space.  However, sometimes I think of bringing back the table because it can get quite tiring to be sitting in my bed and crouching over my laptop table while doing school and work tasks.  But we also love the freed up space.  What if I can make my bed serve also as a study table?

For example, my bed looks like this (pretend it has legs):

From the Front view shown below, we can see
that the bed has three sections (A, B, C).  The blue arrow indicates that section B will move vertically while sections A and C remains horizontal.

To turn the bed into a table, push the button to make it look like this:

In this Side view we can see how it will look afterwards.  The red arrow indicates that a portion of section B can be moved downwards so the person can put his or her feet through the bed and sit with the feet on the floor.  We can add a fourth section, D, by the pillow side.  It can also go vertical to provide the user something to lean on just like a chair.

I recommend this bed to those living in small quarters like in the dormitory, condominiums, or those with small bedrooms.  Hospitals can also use this instead of having a separate table for when patients eat.