Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NU # 6 by NBerroya -bathroom water recycling

Nyel berroya
NU # 6 (revised)
Hi Prof Jorge! I am sending new NU12 #6 because my original entry entitled "How to discipline buses and riders?" is not posted in the blog. I hope this will get accepted. Thank you!

Recirculating water in a household bathroom

Other than laundry area, an average Filipino draws more water by taking a shower, flushing the toilet and using the sink inside the bathroom. Aside from water, it draws energy as well using the bathroom than any daily household activity. A typical household would use 20,000 – 100,000 gallons of water in a year depending on the family size and number of bathrooms inside a household.

Why bathroom? Because water treatment is very expensive and it's better to start in an area of a household which consumption of water is high. There is already a study where bathroom particularly shower water to meet potable-water standards. On the average, we take a shower 2-3 times a day, uses the toilet 5-8 times  a day depending on how hydrated we are, and uses the sink 5-8 in a day depending on our bathroom behavior. 

 The goal is start and promotes sustainable water process by recycling water starting inside our household which is affordable, easy and effective. What is the market? To every Filipino household which generally have a bathroom? Sustainability is responsibility of everybody especially concerning to Mother Nature such as water. Introducing this kind of technology to Filipinos will be effective especially on water conservation. Water bill is significantly decreased which is a good investment for long term.

The invention is a sure hit so it's better to have it patented for intellectual rights internationally. How it works? The bathroom water treatment system and recirculation process will have separate water tube/tank miniature facility/plant located underneath the bathroom that continuously captures, cleans, and recirculates 70-90% of water used for shower, toilet and sink inside the bathroom. There is filtration process to filter used water then heated to kill bacteria. It'll use 40-60% less power because the system doesn't have to heat so much with special mini water treatment. It circulates through the heat exchanger and mixes with new cool water before entering water tube as good water. 

This eco-technology promises to its clients to save household water by 60-80%. Pricing range is affordable to average Filipinos to promote Eco-technology starts in the house.