Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NU 8- by Hannah AbelleraThemed alarm clocks

Hannah Rhuelle B. Abellera
NU (8)-Themed alarm clocks

Many of us are having a hard time, waking up in the morning. We set alarms in our cellular phone or smartphone's clock, choose an alarm tune, set the volume and choose the snooze time. Or we simply, adjust our very own alarm clocks.

Sometimes, we get familiar with the sound, so we don't wake up immediately.  Most of the time, we also become so accustomed with the time that our clocks will alarm, the tendency is that we wake up before the clock will sound, we click the snooze immediately, because we know we still have 5 minutes or 10 minutes left and we'll just turn off the alarm.

Having these familiarities, we tend to have a harder time to wake up than before. What I suggest is to let the sound of the alarm automatically change every day, by setting it every week. The snooze time will be in different intervals, like there will be an option in the phone that it will snooze in 2 min, 5 min or 10 min in one setting and that's in random order.  There will be a sort of a folder, (we can call it as "themed alarm") wherein we can select different sounds and time for random snooze, place it in that folder and make it as a default. There will also be a random combination of the snooze time and the sound accompanying it. Aside from the theme, the phone will light up intensely, lighting up a dark room is also a help. We can also create different selections of sounds and snooze to avoid familiarization and wake up in our desired time. 4