Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NU # 12 Invisible Heels for Men’s Shoes by Jane Labarrete

Invisible Heels for Men's Shoes

At the age of puberty a lot of men panic resolving their genetic inheritance or curse of resolving their height issues. A lot of men wanted to be tall as a sign of superiority. Society defines men to have more appeal and opportunities when they are taller and boosts their self esteem to go greater heights. So what's left for naturally small men? Who says heels can only be for women? This may sound so gay but the idea is to have invisible heels for men that will add up 2-3 inches to their height without even noticing it.  This will be a built-in heel inside the shoes of every men who have height problems. You elevate the shoes from the inside which is invisible from the outside. This will definitely resolve height inferiority issues of men. It will not only add up to their visual appeal but also to their self esteem without looking so gay.3
By: Jane Labarrete