Monday, October 22, 2012

NU # 12 by Nyel Berroya - 3d projectors at AGSB

Nyel Berroya
NU # 12
3D holographic display in class rooms of AGSB

We only see 3D holograms on sci-fi movies. Have you seen the movie "Minority Report" starring Tom Cruise? There was a scene where he was playing a video clip of his family in holographic laser 3D mode.  The movie "Tron" used also holographic 3D laser effect in the scene where the father left him a message before he was abducted.  Normally, special effects are done using cinematography using computer animations. Scenes are captured having blue solid background so scenes can be animated totally.
In reality, there is still no invention in consumer market where there is an apparatus projecting 3D holographic display. Holography is a technique that enables a light field, which is generally the product of a light source scattered off objects, to be recorded and later reconstructed when the original light field is no longer present, due to the absence of the original objects. Holograms are recorded using a flash of light that illuminates a scene and then imprints on a recording medium, much in the way a photograph is recorded. In addition, however, part of the light beam must be shone directly onto the recording medium - this second light beam is known as the reference beam.

In AGSB, we use projector for presentations, videos and document sharing. the display is 2D effect at the audience viewpoint. Would it be interesting and interactive if we have 3D holographic display in class presentations? With the special apparatus looks like a projector which emits laser having a 3D holographic display, Professors can capture attention of students make class discussions animated yet effective. Video examples can be shown in 3D holographic display which is realistic. Professors can still conduct classroom meetings even he/she is not physically present. How? Students will be in class then the 3D holographic projector emits laser in the middle of the classroom as If the professor is present in class communicating and presenting.  The professor just to record himself using a special computer application for 3D holographic like power point 3D. Examples cited by professor are not just a plain image or video, it is 3D hologram which can be more appreciated by students. Flashback video may not look anymore a video but an actual scene due to laser 3D effect.

Laser will no longer use for industrial and entertainment. It can now be as an effective tool stimulating the minds and interest of students and make more class discussions interesting yet effective. This can be a future classroom approach in conducting discussions which is seamless and realistic even with no personal or physical appearance by a moderator. The disadvantage of this kind of 3D classroom assembly is only one-way communication since it is previously recorded. No direct or personal touch by a teacher in engaging more the students judging their reactions.4