Monday, October 22, 2012

Nu12 #11 By Marta Fretheim -frugality

NU #11 New attitude
"use what you need and not what you can"         
Pollution is a great problem world wide, and someone will haveto pay for it sooner or later.  Attitudes needs to change and actions needs to be done. It needs to start with a change of attitude, and then this will follow into a change of behavior. I think selfishness and greed is causing unnecessary high-energy usage and littering. Especially in the westerly countries a lot of people don't think twice before they purchase a new product. If you feel like having something you just buy/eat/use or take it, without thinking twice. You might not even be hungry or need what you are having, but you want it, so you get it. Here are some examples of unnecessary consumptions:
-       Leaving the air-con on cause you want the room to be chilled when you get back, it would imply a higher electricity bill but you can afford it.
-       Buying extra food though you know it is too much food and probably have to throw away some.
-       It can be taking/giving one plastic bag for every category when you go shopping, though you can fit everything in just one bag (or preferably you bring your own reusable bag).
-       Getting one big dispenser of shampoo instead of many small portion one-time-use packages, all the small packages are creating a lot of litter.  
-       Not eating endangered species, and just eating what you need and not what you can.
-       Does the shower really need to be that hot and the pressure that strong?
-       Have you turned off ALL the lights in your house? Even the one on the third floor (Even if you are in a hurry, this would only take seconds).
We should not continue littering and polluting and expecting others to do the collection. Saving energy is also beneficial, as it will cut your monthly energy-bill. By changing our attitudes towards a more eco-friendly profile with minimal wastage, the actions will change in favor to the environment. 3

 by Marta Fretheim