Monday, November 5, 2012

NU12 Idea #11 by Mariko Franca “Sensor(ed)”

There are many things that are using sensors nowadays:  lights, television, guns, convertible cars, doors, etc.  It does make things easier for us so I thought of other things that could use sensors.  Below are three thing that I came up with:

1.  Umbrella - You know how the umbrella handle is all rigid but the rain can come from several directions within a span of seconds?  If umbrellas have sensors, they will bend against the direction of the wind so you can optimize the shield that it provides you from the rain.  This way, you can focus on walking/running while holding the handle well (so it doesn't fly away) while the upper bendable part does its work. 4

2.  Waiting Sheds – Waiting sheds protect us from rain and glaring sun.  Sometimes though, there are so many people that the shed cannot cover everyone.  If waiting sheds have sensors, they can expand sideways so more people will be covered.  There will be a limit as to how long the shed will expand, probably half of the shed on both sides.  The sensor will detect the presence of people so it will expand.  It will go back to its original size if it does not detect anyone under it after 2 or 3 minutes. 4

3.  iPad/Cellphone – One of the things I think we can innovate in gadgets like the iPad and cellphone are the 'unlock' keys.  What if instead of pressing 'unlock + asterisk' in the cellphone or doing the wiping motion in the iPad, there will be a built-in sensor that will detect if someone is holding the gadget?  The sensor will be in the area where users are usually holding the gadget.  By placing or holding the gadget in that area, your cellphone and tablet will automatically unlock.  The sensor will be sensitive only to the skin and not just anything it comes into contact with. 4