Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NU IDEA #6 by AJ Guinto changes in in MBA program

NU IDEA #6 AGSB: Of Employee and Businessmen

I graduated without a degree that's even related to Business, but since I was hands-on with the family corporation it was easy for me to grasps the concept being thought in class with MBA. And this I have noticed with all other classmates of mine that are acquainted with their family businesses as well. I take that those who have experience in running  a business or grew up with a family running a business has a broader mind in coming up with solutions that will make the company bigger since their perception will always be as the owner of the company. But this doesn't degrade the level of the employees in the class, when it comes to detail per detail in running a company in a micro-scale, I have noticed that these are the guys that excel. My point here is, I think there should be a different approach in class when teaching business owners and business employees/executives. Especially in the foundations of Business Administration, Business owners should be oriented more on not just looking always at the big pictures but to also learn how to go down in their level in order to see the issues in detail, but not sacrificing the macro scale of the business of course. And same with employees taking MBA, they should be directed to think as if they own the company, think outside the confines of any department and think of any business as if they can do whatever with it for it to prosper.

In a nutshell, 2 programs, one for employees, one for business owners, and possibly only on the last subjects of the whole MBA program that they can only be in one class since by then they have the same perspective in arriving with a solution. 3