Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NU IDEA #10 by AJG - CSR

NU IDEA #10            Big Corporations and their CSR – Is it worth it?

Large corporations nowadays would always be found helping the poorest of the poor when it comes to their CSR programs. I'm not an anti-poor individual here but as I see it, helping a big number of the marginalized people will not help make a big difference in a community. My Ideal principle in helping the community Is to help first those who are easily capable of development so by the time they are able already, they can be of help to your cause of community development.

Feeding programs, relief, housing, and one time grants can reach hundreds and thousands of people but can only make up for a day, a month or two, but helping a few, empower them to help others, as I believe, can bring about capable individuals of making a difference. Instead of feeding programs, put up scholarship grants for the middle class and help them put up their own businesses and grow as professionals in the corporate industry. Big corporations and also the government always see only the less fortunate and neglect the fact that the middle class is in trouble as well. Grow the middle class, increase the potential for community development through their empowerment. 4