Tuesday, November 6, 2012

NU IDEA #12 - free range chicken by AJG

NU IDEA #12            Social Entrepreneurship: Free Range Chickens

What's becoming popular nowadays to the can afford community is prefering free range chicken as their use for chicken meals. Free range is where you leave the chickens range freely for food, rather than confined in an enclosure. The Benefits of this method of raising chicken is that the produce is chicken meat that has more protein, more good fat and less bad fat, and there is no risk of unnecessary antibiotic consumption. Using this product in mind, It came to me that it can actually work on a smaller scale and community wide operations. By building a company and capitalizing on the community to produce the free range chicken that can be sold for a price.

To make the business concept more simple, here is how it goes on a step by step basis:

1.)    Educate the target community on raising free range chickens
2.)    Provide seed money(or start up chickens) for the community.
3.)    Let the community grow the chickens for you to lessen on the operating expenses.
4.)    Buy the free range chickens produced by the community.
5.)    Package the product (Work on a very good USP that entails helping the community for a healthier choice)
6.)    Distribute and retail to various supper markets
7.)    Allot profit for the company and the partner community
a.       With excess money we can provide for feedings programs for the community.
b.      Scholarship grants for basic education
c.       Medical and dental Missions
8.)    Continue with the cycle and you have yourself a sustainable, money generating social program that can help alleviate poverty in a community 4