Saturday, November 10, 2012

Re: re sending NU12 Abi Lacuesta (1-9)

resending NU12

Subject: re sending NU12 Abi Lacuesta (1-9)

Abigail Lacuesta
NU 12(1)
Bus Stop Plat Form
   One of the biggest problems in our country is traffic jam which is mostly caused by undisciplined public utility vehicle drivers, especially bus drivers. They race against each other to secure passengers. They stop anywhere, including in the middle of the highway, to load and unload passengers. This has caused numerous accidents each year. There have been many suggestions and great ideas on how to control these reckless drivers but most of them require huge funding which our country is not yet ready to spend on.
My idea is to customize buses and bus stops. They should create platform on designated bus stops about two to three feet high and then customize the buses by removing the steps we use to get in the bus. This way, should the driver open the door to unload a passenger anywhere, the passenger would have to jump from the bus, which of course the passenger won't do. The bus would have to stop at designated bus stops where the platform is the same level of the bus door in order to load or unload passengers otherwise the passengers would have to hop in or jump down from the bus. This way the driver will be forced to go to the designated bus stops in order to load or unload passengers.3

Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (2)
Citizen's ID System
                It always frustrates me how hard it is to get a government ID in our country. My idea is to have a centralized government ID system. One ID will suffice for all government agencies. The Citizen's ID will be given upon birth to those who were born in the Philippines, which is linked to central data system that the government will maintain. The ID would already contain all the birth certificate, blood type, DNA analysis, health history, finger prints, etc. Then as the child grows additional data will be encoded in the data bank like education background. All professional accreditation and certification will be then added to the data bank if the citizen passes any board exams, civil service exams etc. this way the ID will also work as PRC ID. If he/she applied for SSS or driver's license, then it will be added to the data bank and so on. Any accreditation or registration the citizen would get will just be added at the data bank. This case, we won't have to go through the hassle of applying for each government ID. We will only have one Citizen's ID that would work as our Driver's license, SSS ID, BIR ID or TIN ID, NBI/Police Clearance, Voter's ID, Philhealth ID, Postal ID, etc. For verification in case the ID was stolen, official will have a gadget where they will scan the ID and finger print scanner to see of the holder is the real owner of the ID. 3

Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (3)
      Lately, robbery has been rampant in the cities. Some have sophisticated tools to pick and open any locks. My idea is to have a Biolock in which instead of having a key lock or number coded lock or even finger print lock, it's going to have a DNA coded lock. It's going to be expensive but it's going ensure that no one will be able to open your lock but you. As we know, every part of our body contains our DNA and we shed them easily without knowing it. So to make it more secure, we have to program the lock which part of our body that contains DNA will be needed to unlock the safe. For example, we can program that only our DNA coming from saliva will open the lock, or maybe our hair root. In this case, only saliva or hair root will be processed for DNA matching. This will need a very sophisticated technology that can process DNA in seconds as DNA analysis takes days to process. This may be quite impossible for now but I'm sure it will be possible in the future just like the things we thought that are impossible to happen in the past.

Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (4)
                The hectic schedule of young professionals today leaves no time to pamper themselves. Amidst the loaded work schedule and traffic jam, people are more inclined just to go home and sleep/rest instead of spending time for grooming, for another day of busyness is coming. My idea is to have a bus, traveling certain routes, where they can have a haircut, manicure or pedicure, foot spa or foot massage, head and shoulders massage. It will be like a traveling salon. The trips will be scheduled so that passengers will be able to tell when they will arrive to the bus stop. Each bus will only carry 15 to 20 passengers so that the bus will not be crowded and the passengers can relax. Each staff is a professional and equip to service the passengers. This will help passengers to relax on their way home or to the office. Of course, only passengers who will avail of the services provided will be allowed to enter the bus to give way to those passengers who needed the service badly. This is beneficial specially to those who work on graveyard shift because they would rather sleep during the day instead of grooming or pampering themselves. If we have this, they can pamper themselves and relax on their way home and not lose any sleep they badly need.4

Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (5)
Running Alarm
                I'm sure most of us are having trouble waking up even with the alarm clock beside our ear. Mostly we would just put the alarm clock in snooze and sleep again. I, myself put my alarm half consciously into snooze especially when I'm having a wonderful dream. Of course, most of us use the famous line "5 minutes" and end up oversleeping. My idea is to have an alarm clock that will make you stand up and wake in no time.
The alarm clock I have in mind have different choices of sounds, ones that irritate you (use this if you have to wake up early or have an important appointment). This will shake you up from your deep sleep. And then another set of normal alarm clock sounds for normal days or for days you don't have to get up that early. The uniqueness of this clock will not come from the sounds it makes. This alarm clock is not the type you put on your beside but the one you put on your floor, because this one have wheels and once the alarm sets of, it will run around your room and it will force you to get up and chase after it. And if it hits the wall, it will flip or turn and continue to run around your room until you push the stop button. This alarm clock will force you to get up instead of letting you put it to snooze time and again. This will be an effective way to wake up your blood and have you up and running for the day.4

Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (6)
Fruit bouquet
                In any occasion, people send bouquets of flowers to their love ones. May it be a birthday, valentines, get-well-soon, etc. It is sweet but for me it is quite impractical. Flowers could cost so much and the only thing you can do with it is display it until it withers and then throw them away. With people now being more practical and health conscious, I suggest that we replace the flower with fruits. The variants of fruits will be carved and designed as a bouquet. The most probable disadvantage of this against the flower bouquet is it may be more expensive, depending on what fruit you would want to use. But the benefits of this against the flower bouquet are:
1.       It is unique that receiver will appreciate more than getting flowers
2.       It is healthier. Patients will benefit more from the vitamins they will get from fruits than flowers displayed in the room.
3.       You can make it last longer. Unlike flowers, you can put the fruits inside the refrigerator if you can't finish it all off.
4.       You can share it with other people. More people will appreciate and enjoy your gift because the receiver can share it with friends and family.4

Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (7)
ATM Finger Print Code
                I always hear cases, especially when I was still working at a local bank about stolen ATMs that have been used without their knowledge. And the problem is that, ATM holders usually use weak pin code like birthday or anniversary because it's easier to remember. There was a story I heard that along Espana, a stranger, out of nowhere, asked a woman when her birthday is. Then later that day she realized her wallet is missing. When she checked with her bank, her ATM account was wiped off clean.
                My idea is that instead of using pin code, we use finger print to transact in ATM machines or EPS machines. This way no one can use your ATM card except you. ATM machine and portable EPS we use at mall to purchase will have a finger scanner instead of numeric key pads. The machine will then analyze if finger print from owner's data base and the user is a match. If it's a match, then you can complete the transaction. If it's not, transaction will be rejected. Then ATM card will be confiscated and an alarm will set off to notify bank and authorities. If a guard is nearby, he can detain the culprit until police arrive. If there's no guard on duty, you now have the offender's finger print in the police file for easier identification.4

Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (8)
Portable Solar Universal Charger
                We are now living in a gadget run world, smart phones, laptop, players and the likes. We use these things as information data base, communication service and entertainment and most of us do our works using laptops and tablets. There's only one problem, these things run out of battery fast. During calamities like typhoons or earthquake, power is always out, people have difficulties knowing what is going on and communicating with their love ones and fail to do work. So the product I would want to offer is a portable solar universal charger. This will work as a universal charger for all types of gadgets powered by solar energy. How it works is that, it will store solar energy for a long time and then you can use the energy stored to recharge your gadget. This will last longer than the power/energy using regular charger. Since it is portable, you can bring it anywhere with you. You can not only use this during calamities, you can also bring this in your travel. In case you have to travel to a remote place, you will have a stored energy with you that you can use just in case you run out of battery during your stay.4
Abigail Lacuesta
NU12 (9)
Paste Bubble
                I love to travel and every time I pack my things, whether for a short or long travel, there is only one thing that I have trouble packing, toiletries. Specifically shampoo, soap, facial wash, toothpaste, body wash and the likes. These little things take up a lot of space in my bag and I love to travel light. So, I would like to introduce a product that would make it easier for travelers. I would like to offer an all in one paste bubble, just a like a tube of toothpaste, which will serve as toothpaste, shampoo, soap, facial wash, body wash and the likes. It will come in different sizes so you can buy just the right size for the length of your travel. Also it will come with different specifications like flavor, skin type and hair type. Like for example, it will come with different flavor, like lemon. The toothpaste will taste like lemon and the body wash/soap will smell like lemon. This is ideal for those who love to travel light as it will reduce the weight of their bags and the clutter inside. They will have more space for 'pasalubong' or other more important things they need to bring in their travel.4