Saturday, November 10, 2012

NU2 by Maica Sy

NU12 IDEA#2 New Spending Habits by Maica Sy
Our spending habits usually and typically influenced by the people around us. How familes and friends spend their own money may also affect and influence us. Do you think you were influenced, for better or worse, by their example?
Get a piece of paper and list your money habits by two categories: Good and Bad. Examine your list carefully. What works for you? What gets you into trouble? Your list of good habits might include never borrowing from friends or your ability to set aside money to build up an emergency stash. Then, consider what conditions create the bad habits. How often do the bad habits get you into trouble? What could you do to change? Write out a plan that will help you stop repeating the bad habits.
Be sure to give yourself several options, in case one of your strategies fails. Not all plans work out, so be flexible and ready to try another approach. Be creative when coming up with your plan. Many options are often available for getting what you want without spending money. Is it possible that you have time for a part-time job that would expose you to a hobby you enjoy? For example, while scuba diving is expensive, you might consider a savings plan to pay for training as a dive instructor so that you could eventually afford the sport by becoming a paid instructor. Think that's a daydream? Hardly. That's how you will develop good habits and discard the ones that hold you back: one small step at a time. 2.5