Wednesday, June 6, 2012

NU 12 by Carmina Tionloc - National ID

Nu Idea No. 10: National ID

In our country, we have a lot of IDs to carry in our wallets. To name a few, we have –

3. Driver’s License
4. NBI Clearance ID
5. PhilHealth
6. Postal ID

All these government issued IDs can be a drag to carry around and it can also make our wallets look like we have a lot of money!

My new idea is that we combine all of these IDs into one and each person is given his or her National Identification Number which will be uniquely his or her for life. This can be given to a person at the time of their birth and this would be their number since the day they die. This is a great idea because it would lessen government red tapes and lessen the chances of corruption (since after all, the current administration is all about the “daang matuwid”).

This National ID already has the unique ID number that encompasses all the government IDs that a person has now and this ID is the main ID that each person uses as a main avenue for identification. Having this one ID also reduces the time spent by the individual in lining up in government offices for ID application. The IDs would automatically be given to the child as soon as the child exits the hospital after birth.

The National ID also avoids identity theft since there no numerous numbers assigned to a person. An individual can easily track any transactions made under his National ID number since the number is unique to his or her person. 3