Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fwd: How to Eliminate Chronic Disease and Reduce Anxiety with This Simple Technique

Those who take L carnosine are twice as likely to reach their mature age.

Another feed here tells that 85% of diseases come from anxiety.  Anxiety comes from negative emotion.  And this can be solved by meditation.  Meditation is free and anybody can do this.


From: Underground Health Reporter <>Date: Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 9:00 PMSubject: How to Eliminate Chronic Disease and Reduce Anxiety with This Simple TechniqueTo: Jorge 
Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
How to Eliminate Chronic Disease
And Reduce Anxiety with This
Simple Technique

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: Discover the Breakthrough Brain Technology Used by Over 1,000,000 People in 193 Countries!
*A Word from Our Sponsor:
Touch Your Ear and Relieve Pain, Shed Pounds and Overcome Addictions

Did You Know...

...  that an inexpensive nutritional supplement called L-Carnosine is being hailed as by integrative doctors—including Dr. Oz—as the possible "end of old age?" 

     The nutrient L-Carnosine may come closer to an anti-aging magic bullet than anything else yet discovered.  Scientists believe L-Carnosine reverses aging at both the system and organ level, with a dramatic effect on energy ... health ... clarity of thinking ... and appearance of the skin and hair.

     The highly regarded and wildly popular Dr. Mehmet Oz called L-Carnosine an "anti-aging miracle."

How L-Carnosine Stops the Root Cause of Aging

To understand the astonishing power of L-Carnosine, it helps to understand a primary cause of aging: the Hayflick Limit.

     The Hayflick Limit (named after the doctor who discovered it about 40 years ago) refers to how our cells can divide only a limited number of times during our lives.

     By early adulthood, our cells overall have used up half of their lifetime divisions.  By mid-life, our cells have only about 20-39% of their total divisions left.

     When cells stop dividing, they enter a state called "senescence"—the final step before death.  Senescent cells are alive, but can no longer divide.  They show all the unwanted signs of old age (for example, skin wrinkles).  As cells near senescence, they are much more susceptible to ...
    Irregular forms
    Distorted appearances
    Declining functionality

     Until recently, all this was thought to be irreversible.

L-Carnosine: The Miracle Substance that Stops Senescence and Rolls Back Time

L-Carnosine is a naturally occurring combination of two amino acids, alanine and histidine.  L-Carnosine levels in our body pare directly related to the length and quality of our lives.  But L-Carnosine levels plummet as we age.  That's why Dr. Oz and others believe that supplementing with L-Carnosine may be one of the most powerful ways to roll back time.  Science supports this claim.

     An astonishing series of experiments in Australia proved that L-Carnosine rejuvenates aging cells.  Australian researchers transferred senescent cells to a culture medium containing L-Carnosine.  The transferred cells showed ...

    A rejuvenated appearance
    An enhanced capacity to divide

L-Carnosine Extends Cell Life

When researchers took "old" cells (that had already gone through 55 divisions) and transferred them to an L-Carnosine medium, the cells survived up to 70 more divisions.  In contrast, cells not transferred to the L-Carnosine survived only 57 to 61 divisions—a 25% increase!

     Even more impressive, cell life span increased 300%!  The cells transferred to the L-Carnosine medium lived 413 days, while the other cells lived only 126-139 days.

Extended Life Expectancy

In a new Russian study on mice, those given L-Carnosine were twice as likely to reach their maximum lifespan as the others.

     L-Carnosine also made the mice look younger.  A whopping 44% of the mice given L-Carnosine had younger, glossier looking coats in old age—compared to only 5% of the untreated mice!  That's a 900% better chance of looking younger.

     Other proven anti-aging benefits of L-Carnosine include ...

  • Feeling Younger: Only 9% of the untreated mice behaved youthfully in old age, while 58% of the L-Carnosine mice stayed spry—a 600% improvement!
  • Super Antioxidant: L-Carnosine is one of the most powerful antioxidants on Earth. 
  • Preventing Alzheimer's: L-Carnosine can reduce or prevent cell damage caused by beta amyloid—a major Alzheimer's risk factor because it damages nerves and arteries in the brain.

How to Use L-Carnosine

     L-Carnosine is widely available at health food stores and online.  Most experts agree that different people need different amounts of L-Carnosine.  According to Jon Barron, founder of Baseline of Health Foundation, "The older you get, the more you need.  If you eat a mostly vegetarian diet, you need more.  If you're diabetic, or just have trouble with blood sugar, you need more.  I think most people will do best on 500-750mg a day."

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Featured Article:
How to Eliminate Chronic Disease and Reduce
Anxiety with This Simple Technique

Discover the Breakthrough Brain Technology
Used by Over 1,000,000 People in 193 Countries!

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 85% of all disease is rooted in our emotions.

     Anxiety, anger, depression, stress—these negative, turbulent feelings do much more than disturb our mental equilibrium; they plant the seeds for physical disease, and then nurture those kernels into chronic, often fatal illnesses.

     The National Cancer Institute says that stress can increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, depression, cancer and a host of other health problems.  Stress exerts such a powerful influence that it can change the shape of your blood cells, transforming a perfectly round, smooth, healthy cell into a curled up, misshapen, dysfunctional mess.  And that's the best-case scenario, as chronic stress can obliterate cells altogether!

     With rising rates of heart disease and cancer, the need to more effectively manage our stress and anxiety becomes more important than ever.  The answer doesn't lie in expensive doctor visits or antidepressant drugs that are riddled with dangerous side effects.  You can harness your stress and emotions once and for all by implementing a very easy-to-use meditation system.

Meditation for the Lazy Man

For many of us, meditation is easier said than done.  Turning off mind-chatter, or even just turning down the volume, takes years of diligent practice.  Devoting 2 to 5 hours a day, every day of the week, isn't desirous or feasible for those living in a fast-paced society.

     It's much easier to pop a pill or count down from 10.  That may be the case with traditional meditation practices, but researchers have developed a powerful scientific audio technology that does all the heavy lifting for you.

     You don't need to chant mantras in a foreign tongue or repeat a specific intention over and over again for hours.  All you need to do is put on some headphones, push the play button, and sit back and relax while a blend of soothing sounds does the work for you.

     You will experience the benefits of meditation almost immediately, pushing you light years ahead of other meditation practitioners and putting you on par with Zen monks who have devoted their entire lives to stillness.

     And stress?  You can say goodbye to that for good!

The Proven Benefits of Meditation

Over 1000 medical studies affirm that meditation is the most potent way to reduce stress.  The Mayo Clinic maintains that meditation has been scientifically proven to alleviate physical conditions such as...

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Asthma
  • Binge eating
  • Cancer
  • Depression

  • Fatigue
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Substance abuse

     And let's not forget that meditation helps you live a longer, higher-quality life, improves your relationships, and contributes to sharper mental acuity.

     A recent study published in the journal, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, found that people who meditated for 30 minutes a day changed the amount of gray matter in specific areas of the brain.  MRI scans showed an increase in the amount of gray matter in the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for learning and memory, and a decrease in the amount of gray matter in the amygdala, an area of the brain linked to anxiety and stress.

     A 2009 study demonstrated that mediation significantly reduced blood pressure and cut patients' risk of heart attack, stroke or death by 50%, and a 2007 study found that meditation dramatically increased an individual's ability to concentrate.

Sock it to Stress Once and for All

Stress's henchman is the hormone, cortisol.  When you enter a stress-induced state, cortisol floods your system.  Elevated cortisol levels cause blood pressure and blood sugar levels to rise, block bone and collagen formation, deplete your immune system, decrease your number of functioning brain cells, and much more.

     Meditation helps you deal with stress more effectively because it lowers cortisol and other harmful stress chemicals that promote physical and emotional imbalance.  As it decreases your production of stress hormones, it stimulates the production of pleasurable brain chemicals proven to enhance longevity and well-being.

Be Part of the Genius Elite

     What do Einstein, Edison and Mozart have in common?  They are part of the 1/10 of 1% of humans that have free-flowing communication between the right and left hemispheres of their brains.  They enjoy what scientists call "whole-brain functioning," a state of mind in which the brain performs at its most optimum, demonstrating heightened intelligence and creativity.

     Meditation makes this level of "genius" much more attainable, as it has been proven to create new and accessible neural pathways between the brain hemispheres, balancing the brain and actively encouraging the high performance state of whole-brain functioning.

     Meditation takes us deep into the recesses of our brain, where addictive emotional patterns such as fear, anxiety, self-sabotage and substance abuse dwell.  Meditation bypasses these reactive habits, letting them fall away for good, in effect reprogramming our emotional temperature to a healthy 98.6°.  A consistent meditation practice helps you live a happier, more productive life full of compassion and ease.

Cutting Edge Science of the New Millennium

If the idea of sitting in silence and stilling your thoughts overwhelms you, fear no more.  Researchers have developed a powerful audio technology that, when placed inaudibly underneath music and peaceful environmental sounds, fosters a nurturing atmosphere for your nervous system, activating boundless changes in your brain and pushing the limits of your nervous system, thereby expanding your ability to deal with situations, people and events that previously triggered anxiety and stress.

     The Menninger Clinic originally explored this technology in the 1970s.  Scientists were able to determine the brain patterns stimulated during deep meditation.  A researcher at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York figured out how to induce those same meditative brain patterns simply by using sound.

     Nearly 40 years later, and the scientific audio technology available has been improved and fine-tuned dramatically, guaranteeing...

      Dramatically improved mental, emotional and spiritual health
      Real and constant happiness in your life, regardless of your past
            or present circumstances
      Improved creativity, intelligence and mental functioning
      Significantly improved sense of well-being and inner peace
      Success in the world, along with the personal satisfaction and
            sense of fulfillment

     Now you can join the 1,000,000 people already experiencing stress-free, physically and emotionally abundant lives with an easy-to-use, enjoyable meditation practice.  Click here to watch this video on how to end your stress-induced medical problems with this fascinating brain technology that produces health, anti-aging and longevity benefits.

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Touch Your Ear and Relieve Pain,
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     This little-known therapy is recognized and approved by the World Health Organization and the FDA to treat countless health problems without drugs.  It can be done in the comfort of your own home—and you can easily learn it in a few minutes.  Activate your body's ability to heal itself today by clicking here.

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