Wednesday, June 27, 2012

John Ng NU12 ideas number 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 out of 12

John Ng's last NU12

NU12 8/12 idea "Helping the financial illiterate Filipinos"
According to BSP Survey, 80% of Filipinos does not have a savings account, while 90% does not have any form of savings. What will happen to the majority in case of emergency, where will turn to? According to my personal observation, since I live near a Cockpit Arena, many Filipinos take a large part of their income to wager in the sabungan, hoping that it would double. Unfortunately, most of their aspirations get crushed in an instant.
There are different types of raffling system all over the Philippines that are very enticing, namely: Bingo outlets, Lotto outlets, Jueteng, casinos, ending, pustahan and pusoy dos. But why is this so popular in our country? Based on my observations, this is their last resort or kapit sa patalim. But the moment they lose in the gamble, they lose everything. Their very lives are destroyed. And sadly, this has long been a trend to our society and a part of our culture. The society is used to live in a life of lesser things.
Since many are into gambling, my proposal is to improve gambling's current system by automating the registration process. By applying this to the very long line of lotto outlets, the teller can register each applicant online. By means of this, both the line and the time needed for executing the transaction would be cut short.
My catch is that, for each registering client or buyer of a lotto ticket, 50% of the amount, maybe less or maybe more will go to their savings, and the remaining will go to gambling. However, this should be unknown to the gambler since this will be a sort of investing tool. Since, making a lotto business is a very good business because it's only a one sided-win situation, and nobody really knows who win. The money that has been saved could be used in creating and supporting a rehabilitation center that would help them become literate. It can also be a form of saving to teach them how to utilize money wisely. 3

NU12 9/12 idea (maximizing the child's potentials)
In China, when a baby is born, as early as childhood, they already introduce the child into sports or other activities like arts, literature, science and etc... With this type of method, the child would know his likes and maximize his time as early as his childhood and further develop his skill.
With this method, we can fully utilize our people skills. As early as his childhood, if the kid has no potential in certain area, he needs to go to other areas where the child can progress. This will be a long-term result. But if our government would invest in this idea,  we can have a great future ahead of us.

NU12 10/12 idea (Promotion/Demotion Law)
I worked in a privatized company that had been a government company.  One thing I notice is what we call a "government mentality." In here, politics is very strong, the employees are very lousy and all the negative habits that would result into unproductive time are very rampant. One way that the new management did is the right-sizing method. With this method, all the unproductive employees are cut-off, and new young employees replaced them with cheaper wages and more productive.
The problem I see here is that since this have evolve into a new generation of workplace, the managers have a problem. They become managers by accident since the old once are being replaced. The new managers are so inexperience in handling people.
My suggestion is to train the managers, or at least they should have a degree like MBA before they can get promoted/raise. What happens is when a manager gets the position, even though he is un-experienced, he'll never give up the position. Demotion also should be an option to managers that are not performing well. And yearly grading should be followed. The grading here has a big problem. You grade your own self. This needs improvement since the grading system is bias and one-sided. The people under the manager should grade their manager, and the manager should grade his employees. With this we can improve ourselves and the image of the company.
There should be a Philippine law to standardize the promotion/demotion in a company.  With this, we can contribute a growth to our economy.

NU12 11/12 idea (Routing map for PUV using Google Map)
Since there is already where we can view the traffic areas from selected major roads real-time, we can use the latest technology to improve our mapping system. This has become so convenient that we can view it in our handheld devices.
I suggest an online site with maps showing the different routes of PUVs. Thru this, we can view which one can take us to our destination. It would become easier for commuters to travel and consider what possible combinations of transportation to use in order to arrive at the destination faster and less costly.4

NU12 12/12 idea (Spending Habits)
In my company, we sell water. We release 2000mld of water a day, and collect only 40% of the revenue. Now where does the 60% go? We call it the non-revenue water or NRW. It is a water loss due to illegal connection, leaks in pipes and other physical problems.  Since we know the 60% losses, we target to trim it down yearly to increase our revenue.
We believe in the famous saying "you can't control what you can't measure." You know the numbers, you know the facts, now you control or limit the problem to reduce the losses.
In our daily lives, how much do we earn? Is our spending greater than our income? If so, then we are at a loss. If our spending is lesser compared to income, then we are saving.
A simple suggestion is to monitor our spending habit by collecting our receipts, and tracking it in our handheld devices, since technology now have become cheap and available to everyone and anyone. With this, we can now monitor and see our behaviour towards our impulsiveness. We need not a tremendous amount of effort to do this, but we need a tremendous amount of discipline to do this.
At the end of the day, we can ask ourselves, why did we buy this useless thing? And we can reflect to improve our lifestyle and spending habits.

NU12 13/12 idea ( &
Respectfully, Sir, it is not my intention to discriminate or judge or give any bad connotation to your websites. This is only for the sole purpose of having an idea. I may be right, I may be wrong. But I hope this could help.
Now, honestly, tell me classmates, with just one glance - what do we notice in our Prof's BlogSpot? It is much disorganized.  What I mean is all the references are reflected on the left side of the bar. If we scroll our mouse, we see a long way down to browse for our name.
My suggestion is to categorize each topic in a folder-structure-style. For example, you choose ENTREP class; under that you can view all the students' name. Name of HEROES, events and places categorized into folders.  Through this, we can easily sort, filter and browse ideas based on dates, file size, uploaders and so on.
Furthermore, we can have memberships in the blog. This will improve the interface and eliminate the emailing system and approval process. There are numerous freemium software – Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress, etc. – all have the capability of organizing blogs. Other features are the creation of polls, forums, chat (real-time like facebook) and other interactive freemium applications.
Lastly, another benefit of this is the merging of two blog websites into one. Thus, students will not get confused as to where they should upload the assignment.  < thanks for the comments.  As I have said I became a netizen a year ago and I am learning.  Just moving away from paper to paperless.  I will find time to organize the labels.  Wordpress simply organizes labels into large groups, which blogger can do. The blog also has a search tool.  There were suggested topics in the NU 12 which could be tackled.  The other supposed submitted assignments are not here.>