Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Mood-Detecting Cameras (NU12 Paper #11 by RT)

Good evening Sir!

NU12 paper #11 below :)

Thanks and Regards,


With the propagation of digital cameras and their greater affordability, people are taking these cameras everywhere and clicking left and right. It's so convenient since no camera film is wasted anymore. The problem with this though is a lot of us become victims of getting our photos taken candidly or group shots where not everyone isn't ready yet.

The technology of cameras has gone so far. From the manual camera we now have digital cameras that have countless features such as red eye reduction, instant lomography effects and now even with cloud features.

So it's possible that the future of cameras include a mood-detecting feature. In the most basic of form, it's just like an autofocus feature where it has face detection. But taking it a step further, it detects the following:
1.       It detects the iris of the people in the picture if they're all facing the camera lens, before taking the picture. 
2.       It senses the mood of the people if they want their picture or not. If it senses that the person is unaware or doesn't want their picture taken, then the camera won't allow the picture to be taken. (In the future, government can impose this camera feature to all so that paparazzi won't continuously hound celebrities and obstruct rights to privacy.)
With this camera feature, everyone will be photo-ready or will no longer have awkward photos taken.3.5