Sunday, September 16, 2012

Beware of this scam

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship

I just opened my email, which has been dormant for a month, Yahoo.  It had a record of:  of being hacked:  it is hacked in Africa.  Its set up makes it hackable, ie, the password is always at the log in.

I first got a FB notice from a former colleague who is now in the government.  His facebook note told me that he is in Almeria Spain where has been allegedly held up at gun point.  He requests that cash assistance be sent to him (There was forwarding address or bank account).  Since I am not close with that faculty, I dismissed the FB post.

Next came this email with the same tenor and location.

Beware of such scams.  It is new.

Awful trip at Almeria Spain, and I need Euros; please send now

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