Friday, September 28, 2012

NU12: New Products / Product Improvements by Anne Bartolome

Ray Anne Del P. Bartolome


Fashionable Foldable Boots with Eco-friendly pouch bag

We often experience rains when we least expect it. It's irritating especially for ladies if you're wearing non-proper footwear and get your feet all dirty and wet.

This fashionable foldable boots with eco-friendly pouch bag is for girl on the go that needs to pack lightly while still looking fashionable.

With normal high boots, the fashionable foldable boots are suitable for every dress, skirt or pair of jeans with the great benefit of being able to fold them up and zip them away allowing it to be packed in your small lady bags. This boots are extremely comfortable and comes with many colour and  styles. It is waterproof, and you can leave them outdoors of your house once they get dirty.

So now, wherever you will go, you don't have to think twice about taking those heavy pair high boots. 3