Thursday, September 20, 2012

Robert Turner, convicted murderer, dies of flesh eating bacteria

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship

From Huff Post

Robert Turner, a convicted murderer died of flesh eating bacteria.  The 32 year old Turner, who is serving a 40 year old sentence for murder of 18 year Derek Miles in 1995,  died of blood poisoning and necrotizing fasciitis in University of Illinois Medical Center. He was being treated for other diseases like cirrhosis of the liver.

The necrotizing fasciitis is a rare disease caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, or flesh eating bacteria.  The bacteria releases toxins that eat away skin, muscle, and other tissues.

Is this a divine punishment?

How do we avoid contracting this bacteria?

Isn't leptiraspirosis in the PHL deadlier?

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