Friday, September 21, 2012

US competitive advantage

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship

 From Angel Nexus

Jack Welch earlier said that US is still a leader in innovation.  The manufacturing hub may have migrated to Asia or elsewhere in the world;  but USA holds the advantage on innovation.  However, politics/public sector stifling regulations may be halting innovation.

One such innovation is the 3d printer.  They are great tools in producing prototypes of new products.

They can be had by R&D or manufacturing firms for as little as $l,500 (about  PHP 60,000)  I canvassed one and its about only PHP 80,000 (with VAT and duties).  3d printers speeds up and simplifies product design and prototyping.  The 3d pictures can be printed easily into a 3d mock up.

A car design for instance can be 3d printed.

Nick Hodges on innovation in US.

Innovative companies are best bet in investments and give highest return over the long term.

 "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."