Thursday, September 6, 2012

Robert Moules on breaking the rules.

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Author Robert Moules wrote a  book, Rebel Entrepreneur:  Rewriting the Business Rulebook. 
 He profiled hundreds of business entrepreneurs and he found out those who were successful were the creative ones -  those who broke the rules.

Our own classmate reported on Creativity and the rules.  No. 1 - break the rules

I think that entrepreneurs must by default, be creative, and break the rules.  And even thos ehwo have existing business.  The purpose of business strategy is to defeat the competition, and that can only be done by differentiation-  by being unique (Purple Cow) or being in a different market (Blue Ocean)

Break the business mold - stay away from regular business model

Or seek new mode of financing the business;  be flexible

 "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."