Friday, October 14, 2011

Necessity is the Mother of Invention,Creativity, and New Ideas

"Innovate or DIE" "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."


This thought stuck to my face like a big rock when I read this chapter in Bob Ong's book.  Really new products are created because of a need;  they were created to solve a difficulty or a problem.  Thus an armpit whitener, or deodorizer are created to solve beauty problem; a diet or food supplement to solve a health problem.  The new product ideas spring from a need/necessity.

Some suggestions to increase your idea generation capacity:

l.  Focus on problems/what pisses you off and you are amazed at the ease you come out with new ideas;

2.  Benchmark what EV did;  he is done with the assignment.  All he did was look at the opportunities at the MRT;

3.  Watch TV shows like:  How do they do it at Discovery;  Man vs Wild at Discovery, Mythbusters at Discovery; Other Nat Geo programs,  e novations at Discovery.  There are so many new ideas you can pick up and gestate in your mind to submit later be ingenious.

4.Some weird tactical ideas strategies in WW II:

     l.  Estrogen for Hitler to make him effeminate and and thus make him ineffective.  Some strategic thinkers at Pentagon thought of having Hitler ingest estrogen and make him acquire female characteristics.  US psychiatrists read Hitler to be having more female characteristics.  So with Estrogen, his mustache would fall off (hehe) and lose his leadership charisma.  US scientists formulated the estrogen concoction.  The plan called for Hitler's gardener to spray the concoction at Hitlers food.  The formulation was OK.  However, the plan did not work because the gardeners took the money and threw the conconction away.  So great ideas; bad execution.

    2.,  Building a SUPER GUN.  Hitler wanted to build a super gun directed towards UK from occupied France, a distance of l00 miles.  So it had to be  huge gun 400 meters long angled at 45 degrees and pointed to UK.  The shell would travel at 3000kph and would reach UK in two minutes.  The gun named V3 was technically feasible, however since it was so huge, building it could not be held in secrecy;  the UK intelligence knew about it, the French underground knew about it.  A l,200 tallboy bomb did in the great idea.  No super gun.  A single bomb destroyed its construction.

    3.  Some CIA guys wanted to eavesdrop foreign diplomats conversation in Washington using cats.  So they embedded cats with microphones and trained them to wander in other embassies.  However, in their pilot testing, the expensive project was cut short by a cab running over the wonder cat spy.

    4,  Explosives disguised as flour - Aunt Jeminina.  Some strategies wanted to destroy Japanese supply lines in China.  To do that you need explosives.  How do you do that?  How do you bring in explosives into China which was crawling with Japanese sentries?  The solution was to smuggle in the explosives as flour:  20% explosive and 80% flour.  However, if ever the guards challenged the flour to be cooked, that was a problem.  The mixture was made in such a way, that the flour can be cooked without exploding and would be safe to eat.  The disguise, formulation was effective and it wrecked havoc on the Japanese.  Weird but it worked!

I hope this post would stimulate right brain thinking further.