Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Some New Ideas Gathered from Bangkok

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

Yesterday, we arrived in Bangkok.  The PAL flight (the 48 dollars l2 days of Christmas promo) was delayed by 2 hours.  I did not know that the delay was emailed earlier.  But I had to wake up at 430 am to make it to the 600 am departure so that I will arrive by 700 am at NAIA 2 (3hours before departure time etc)

My impression ofl Bangkok

 It is much better than Manila in terms of modernity and buildings. It has  long long skyway (more than 20 km) where hight speed travel is possible.  The toll is quite reasonable (unlike our tolls in PHL)  However the taxi driver told us that the scene is different during rush hours.,

In the downtown, traffic is chaotic.  Many stores in the downtown are old and dirty.  Like in Manila, there is a lot of litter and garbage.  (Solid waste is a problem everywhere)

If ever Bangkok is ahead of Manila, it is not by more than 3 notches. Prices are low compared to HK and Seoul though.

Some innovations that I saw

l.  Energy efficient escalators at the Hotel.   I remember kumpare in the wedding of Anne Tolentino that this is their new business, ie helping stores and other establishment by installing a device that starts the escalator only when there is a sound or proximity of a passenger.  This is the first time I saw this in action.

2.  The river taxis.  Much of Bangkok commuters seem to move via the river.  It was planned for a long long time ever for Pasig river.  The Magsaysay lines tried to do it but the smelly river and the stench and garbage and the urban settlers at the Pasig River seem to pose a problem.

3.  The elevator system that links the floor and the attraction to each floor.  It not only gives feedback but great advertising as well.

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."