Thursday, February 9, 2012

Healthcare System in THAILAND - iS IT FEASIBLE.?

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

In the Bangkok REE conference, I happened to be acquainted with him.  He was educated in Indiana on hand surgery (ortopedic surgery surgery) and one of the few in Thailand (they are only 40 in Thailand)  He used to be a Buddhist monk and also teaches in the medical school in their university.

Only 30 baht per admission?

He told me (and the speaker on social entrepreneurship) that every admission in a hospital anywhere in Thailand will cost that citizen only 30 baht.   His capitation is only l, 200 per year.  That is the law, and mandate by the King (and implemented under Thaksin) .  Unfortinately, many doctors are angry with this law (and vs Thaksin).  The actual cost to the government is 2,400/per person due to lifestyle diseases.  And good and lifestyle changes are being promoted to cut on health care costs.

Can we do in PHL?  I have seen Leadership in Medicine, Dr to the Barrio programs, but this is possible only in some pockets of leadership by rural MDs, and only for petty cases.  But has not been done on nationwide scale.

Just DOH it!

I guess the resources available in Thailand and PHL are the same.  But their social entreps and MDs are working very hard for the king  for the prosperity and happiness of every people.

This is wonderful and we can only wish and dream that we can do this.  I am sure we can?

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