Monday, February 6, 2012

Some New Ideas I Gathered from my Trip to Thailand

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."

There were a lot of things that learned/observed from my trip to Thailand:

l.  The way to get more tourist package it bundle the tour and the buffet component.  Everybody is happy.

2.  For the elephant and crocodile show there were plenty of interactive, money making schemes (and at the same time you save them labor)

        l.  Feeding the elephants  - l0 bahts

       2.  Feeding the crocs

       3.  Posing with the tiger one picture plus  your camera -  100 baht

There are usually a number of activities in one venue:   like there is orchid show, croc farm, magic show at the elephant show.

In the cultural show,  there are shops, buffet, magic show, posing with elephants.  The Thai know their business models very well and drive up their revenues.

I think their floating restaurants, the river cruise are their top money makers (aside from Shopping)  But I would say, our Loboc river cruise is comparable.  We just need more awarness