Monday, February 20, 2012

What can Prevent Migraine Attacks?

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

 Many people have periodic migraine attacks.  This could be to several factors:   low magnesium levels, excitement from lights and other external factors low energy, nausea, high glutamate levels, inflammatory levels.

The high glutamate levels is due to our diet.  This can be from MSG and is very common when eating in Chinese restaurant. They routinely add MSG to make food taste better.  This also found in natural food coloring and food ingredients as tomato paste, parmesan cheese, broth, soy  (that is why soy diet can be bad for your migraine).  This is one way of reducing migraine attack.

The other way is to increase the magnesium level.  But taking in magnesium has the tendency to give you diarrhea.  Dr.  Blayblock in this link, gives you tips on how to beat migraine.

Dr. Blayblock on MIgraine

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