Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Foods for Love

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

We just celebrated Valentines in the PHL;  elsewhere in the world they are celebrating this day today.

Let us review what are the foods of love again:

Oyster  -  contains dopamine, a nuero transmitter in the brain that increases feeling of sexual desire;

Tomatoes  -  believe it or not, lycopene, aside from an ingredient that prevents prostate cancer, boosts sexual powers. It is also called the love apple.

Vitamin C -  increases quantity and quality of sperm count;

Chocolates  -  as mentioned in yesterdays blog was the primitive Vit V;  it contains phenylethamines, which boosts the production of endorphins, which produces the body high;

Honey -  honey moon would not be called were it not for the fact that honey increases the sexual stamina of newly weds;

Fruits and vegetables

Granola - rich in L arginine which boosts sexual function;  other food rich in same are green vegetables, garlic, peanuts, oatmeal and ginseng seeds.

Fish  - from salmon and mackerel are rich in Omega 3 which boosts your nerve circuitry and circulatory system

According to Dr John Mulhal of Cornell University, anything that is good for the heart is good for erection.

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Foods for Love/Valentine

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