Monday, February 13, 2012

More Development in the Context of Entrepreneurial Ventures

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

 Warren Buffet, the student of the great Alexander Graham on investment, and a great guru himself now, warns against holding any form of US government debt instruments. They could be risky.  Why are they risky?  Relate that to the very high debt level.  US debt from barely over $5 trillion in 200l (that was the debt amount since l776, the founding of USA), and ticking away by the minute at its $l5 trillion level in 20l2  (up from $l4 trillion level in July 20l1)

What makes investment in US bonds risky?

Buffet - US bonds are Risky

Please also watch this interesting video on mounting Everest of US debt:

US mounting debt problem

You can relate this to Buffet article -  and we must be able to appreciate, why the inflationary effect on the dollar will affect the world economy (it will cost more to import oil for instance)

How can the entrepreneur cope up?  How can the local economy adjust?

US Debt Bomb

How about the role of the dollar as the world's trading currency? From Stransberg and Associates

Role of US Dollar as the World's Trading Currency

"New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."