Monday, February 13, 2012

Alternative Cures/Medicine

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

I again got a feed for alternative medicine for cure of various ailments.  One of the most dreaded diseases now is cancer and for most part, there is no known or effective cure for cancer  (that is what most doctors will  tell you if your loved ones lose battle for cancer)

But there are many news coming out from the underground medicine (alternative medicine) who say otherwise.

For instance they discovered that 30 years ago, cancer is not known among three tribes:   among Hopi Indians, tribes in Northern Pakistan, and tribes in the highlands of  Peru and Ecuador.  What could explain the absence of cancer:  could it be the water they drink or the food they eat grown in rich volcanic soil?

Cesium caused cancer cells to self destruct.

They found out that the alkaline minerals contained in the water they drink had cesium chloride and they discovered that cesium blocked the cancer cells pores through which they expelled nutrients. Cesium caused the cancer cells to self destruct as more and more nutrients accumulate with nowhere to go.  However this was ignored by American Cancer Society

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Kombu seaweed in Okinawa

They also found out that Okinawans who ate plenty of  kombu seaweeds did not have cancer.  They found out the seaweed contains fucoidan, a long chain carbohydrate that caused cancer cells to self destruct.

Other cures:

What is best for anthrax or the new strain of flu?  Lactobacillus bulgaricus, an extract from common yogurt was discovered to be best antidote when Russia accidentally released anthrax.

T arjuna - cure for some cardiovascular disease

AHCC extract from mushroom for anti cancer.

Please watch video:     Non Traditional Cures