Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Neurotheology - How Prayer Improves Brain Well Being and Health

The Ateneo Graduate School of Business Advantage

We have thought that prayer to be outside the realm of health.  However, there is an increasing research and knowledge about the benefits of prayer on mental function and health.  This video is about the research of Dr. Newberg on neurotheology ie effect of prayer on mental activity, and physical health.

Prayer helps reduce shrinkage of frontal part of the brain.  It reduces fear, and pain.  It prevents Alzheimer and dementia.

Prayer consist of 3 activities:   regular prayer praising the Almighty, attentding church activites, any goal setting activities. Prayer to be effective must last more than 5 minutes to be effective.   Compassion and forgiveness helps you live longer

Strengthening Your Brain and Health through the Power of Prayer

This video does not intend to promote the benefits of prayer before class and ending the same with prayer (to which a fmr Japanese student in ADB objected).  Prayer helps the student remember the lessons more.  Hahaha

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