Saturday, August 4, 2012

An Energy Efficiency to be Benchmarked

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."
I watched the Discovery Channel feature on In Cold Blood, a feature on amphibians.  Crocs, turtle and the like.  The crocs eat only once a month and after eating, it goes into a energy saving mode.  It expends only l/10 of its usual energy consumption, like an autopilot perhaps...

The mammals on the other hand consume too much energy, eat a lot and would seem to be wasteful.  Would the mammals we survive if we consume too much energy.  Shall the mammals survive and be part of the earth history?

Ampibians have survived for the last 250 million years.  Men has been around for only 60,000 years.

Anybody has an idea on how humans/mammals can consume less food and expend less energy?