Saturday, August 4, 2012

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Yes what is the difference?  Until the time I ran across this question, I was clueless.

1.  A website is anything that is searchable in the internet that is prefixed by

      There are two types:   a static and dynamic.  A static is just like a brochure  (I was quoted l5t for a static site and before I knew this, this was for me a justified price)  But I was able to create a basic website in just 30 minutes in a free website.  So now it looks very expensive to me.

      The dynamic website would have registration,, comment, form, a video, a feed, a place for social media, printing and email function.

      But changing the content of a website involves webmakers intervention.   even just changing a post, a picture or a phone number entails changing the script of the post.

2.  A blog is a dynamic website whose posts and content are changed very easily;   posts can be made anytime of the day and even through email or mobile phone  (blogsend by email)  A blog is website because it has a prefix.  http:// wwwwxxxx .com.   Google and the other search engine encourages bloggers because it generates content.  Google has made available many tools and support to bloggers because the blogposts and driven by social media churns the search engine and brings in more traffic.  A blog is a website that happens just to be a subdomain of another website.

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