Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Vian Seranilla, Creative Director, on Creativity

Ateneo Innovation and Entrepreneurship

                                               Vian Seranilla, at the extreme right

 I requested Mr. Vian Seranilla to make his views known on creativity in order to encourage some of his classmates to post more interesting NU 12 assignments.  Mr Seranilla is a creative director and has directed many shows for AGSB

He said:

l.  No rules

2. Be crazy

3.  Be personal (unique)  No one can say if you are/are not creative enough

4.  Work hard at it:    creativity is l0% inspiration and 90% perspiration (T. Alba Edison)

So there you are;    let your imagination run wild.   Amaze me with your new ideas.  Be crazy



 "New ideas create more and better new products and services; create more wealth."