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Date: Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 4:10 PM
Subject: Next Big Future - 5 new articles
Here are the latest updates
China starts new nuclear construction and makes nuclear deals with Russia
1. Construction of three new Chinese reactors has started since the country's announcement in October that it would approve only a 'small number' of projects in each of the coming five years.
First concrete has now been poured for Fuqing unit 4 in Fujian province and Yangjiang unit 4 in Guangdong province - both 1080 MWe CPR-1000 units. In addition, construction of the Shandong Shidaowan HTR-PM project - a demonstration high-temperature gas-cooled reactor - has also started in Shandong province.
2. Baltiysky Zavod-Shipbuilding - the successor to the Baltiysky Zavod shipyard - will now complete the first floating nuclear reactor vessel for delivery to Rosenergoatom on 9 September 2016. The plant – dubbed the Akademik Lomonosov – will then be put into use in Vilyuchinsk, in the Kamchatka region in Russia's far east. Read more » China increasing solar power installation target to 40 GW for 2015
China appears to be ready to lift their target for the deployment of solar power to 40 gigawatts by 2015, just weeks after the official target was raised to 21GW according to the China Daily.
China may almost double its upper limit for solar power installed capacity to 40 gigawatts by 2015 from the current 21 gW, an industry insider said.
The exact figure is yet to be finalized, said Meng Xiangan, deputy Board Chairman of the Chinese Renewable Energy Society. Deutsche Bank analysts noted that the updated forecast suggests that more than 10GW of solar will be installed in China in each of the next three years. Assuming that solar deployment will continue to increase rather than slow; that suggests a cumulative total of well over 100GW by 2020. Cleantechnica - Solar power by country at the end of 2011 1. Germany — 24.7 GW 2. Italy — 12.8 GW 3. Japan — 4.9 GW 4. Spain — 4.4 GW 5. USA — 4.4 GW 6. China — 3.1 GW Read more » MeRAM is up to 1,000 times more energy-efficient than current technologies
UCLA - By using electric voltage instead of a flowing electric current, researchers from UCLA's Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have made major improvements to an ultra-fast, high-capacity class of computer memory known as magnetoresistive random access memory, or MRAM.
The UCLA team's improved memory, which they call MeRAM for magnetoelectric random access memory, has great potential to be used in future memory chips for almost all electronic applications, including smart-phones, tablets, computers and microprocessors, as well as for data storage, like the solid-state disks used in computers and large data centers.
MeRAM's key advantage over existing technologies is that it combines extraordinary low energy with very high density, high-speed reading and writing times, and non-volatility — the ability to retain data when no power is applied, similar to hard disk drives and flash memory sticks, but MeRAM is much faster. Read more » The lowest cost combination of wind, solar and storage for the northeast United States for all renewable option for 2030 but more costly than nuclear
Journal of Power Sources has a paper "Cost-minimized combinations of wind power, solar power and electrochemical storage, powering the grid up to 99.9% of the time".
NBF - UPDATE - Found a copy of the full report. They propose building by 2030 124 GW of the needed power from inland wind. 89.7 GW of the needed power from offshore wind. 16.2 GW from solar 51.9 GW battery storage Of 91.3 GW produced power average. 50.3 would be from the inland wind 38.3 would be from the offshore wind This looks like it would cost a lot more than building nuclear power or some other mix of power generation. This is a link to the EIA levelized cost of energy. It looks like this approach would cost about 2 to 3 times more than a mostly nuclear power approach. They modeled wind, solar, and storage to meet demand for 1/5 of the USA electric grid. ► 28 billion combinations of wind, solar and storage were run, seeking least-cost. ► Least-cost combinations have excess generation (3 times the load), thus require less storage. ► 99.9% of hours of load can be met by renewables with only 9–72 h of storage. ► At 2030 technology costs, 90% of load hours are met at electric costs below today's. They use widespread geographical distribution the intermittent sources (wind farms and photovoltaic installations) all parts of the grid would have enough power. (windy and sunny in come parts to make for calm and overcast areas in other parts) A map showing the outlines of the current PJM system (blue line) and of the inland and offshore meteorological stations used for the wind data (pink asterisks). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web or PDF version of this article.) Read more » The USA Probably passed Saudi Arabia as the Number One Total Oil liquids Producing Country in the first week of December 2012
In Saudi Arabia's own direct communication to OPEC, the kingdom said November production was lower, at 9.49 million. The November Saudi amount was 550,000 barrels per day less than in August.
Therefore, Saudi Arabia appears to have cut back its oil production to 11.2 million barrels per day in the last week of November (in order to support a higher price for oil because of higher USA and Iraq production increases). The US increased oil (crude oil, natural gas liquids, ethanol and other liquids and refinery processing gains) production to pass Saudi Arabia in the first week of December (to 11.33 million bpd). The USA added 660,000 barrels per day since August. 11.33 million bpd for the USA and 11.2 million bpd for the Saudi Arabia swing producer. The USA became the number one oil (all liquids) producing nation in the first week of December. Based on simple math and what Saudi Arabia announced and what the USA reported via the Energy Information Administration. Total Oil supply for the US for the days in the Week ending Dec 7 was 11.33 million barrels Read more » More Recent Articles
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Jorgeus George
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